Beta Member

Square for Retail: Yes or No?

I started a retail brick and mortar (only) store at the end of March. I started with the regular Square app based on good info from my fellow small business owners, not accounting for the fact that they're in the food/restaurant industry! Yes, the Square app is perfect for that industry, isn't it.


I noticed the inventory and other limitations early on, but the reviews for the the Square for Retail app weren't stellar, so I was too  nervous to try changing anything (in addition to my employees being in their 60s and having enough problems switching from a regular old cash register to using an app on an iPad to ring up sales!).


So my question is: Have enough of the bugs been worked out that it would be a benefit to change now? Will my current inventory in the regular Square app transfer to the Square for Retail app? How difficult/different will it be to use a new system?


Any other recommendations? Inventory management is my biggest issue, but I don't want to pay to integrate another app if Square for Retail will do the job. But I don't want to change to that (and pay for it) if I'd be better off sticking with what I have and signign up to use one of the apps like Shopventory.

Message 1 of 5
Square Community Moderator

Hi @SmartyPantsJane


Thanks for posting and I'm glad to hear you're looking into Square for Retail for your business. While it's still Square software, it can be a little scary to make a change. 


While it could take some time to train your staff, Square for Retail seems to work for many sellers within the Seller Community and they seem to be happy with their decision. 


In regards to inventory, Square for Retail is a software bundle add-on to your Square account, so your item inventory will still be present, and you'll have access to the Inventory Plus features. 


I know @RHatch and @Keithppp have experience with Square for Retail, so hopefully one of them are able to chime in with their experience and insight. 



Message 2 of 5
Super Seller Alumni

With my set up the Grid screen was the deal breaker for my, that is why we stuck with Point of Sale instead of going with retail.  I have basic inventory management needs and POS fills that for me.


Message 3 of 5

We have the same problem. Our shop started with the restaurant option; we are currently missing to enter cost of sales for the sale items and to get a proper inventory value. How do we change the Food & Beverage to the Retail Goods option? Josef
Message 4 of 5

Hey @JosefI, thanks for reaching out here. Sorry for the confusion — are you currently signed up with Point of Sale? Cost of Goods Sold is included with Square for Retail, but not with Point of Sale.


It may be helpful to have a team member take a closer look at your account settings so that you can further examine your options. Hope this helps — if I'm misunderstanding anything, feel free to reply here with a bit more information and we'll take a closer look.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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