
Auto assign ticket numbers is not working, even when it is ON

I am using the app in a network that is not connected to the internet "offline". The "auto assign ticket numbers" is on. However, when I print a recipt, the printed recipt shows only the word "Order". There is not any number.


need your support please

Message 1 of 7
Super Seller Alumni

Like a lot of things, the ticket number is probably assigned by square servers and not the app.  Therefore when offline you will not get a ticket number.


When you are in offline mode you can't access client data, invoices, etc.  Offline mode was designed for internet interruptions, not as a full-time feature.

Message 2 of 7

the other reply is correct.  a massive shortcoming in a system designed by coders and not real working business people. 


appropriate term for this...POS.  and i don’t mean point of sale. 


FYI three reps i called today swore up and down it was possible only to be finally told by ani the supervisor that it was not.  


square customer service sucks. 

Message 3 of 7

I'm very sorry for the frustration that this caused and for the experience when you called our CS team. I will escalate this to the appropriate team here.


I do understand how you need additional features like the order ticket number to print when you're offline. If this is possible in future we'll update this thread.

️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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Message 4 of 7

again, i don't understand why we need to be connected to your servers in order to generate a ticket number.  i realize you don't actually USE square as a POS system with high volumes like we do on a food truck, but you can imagine if you can the shortcomings of having 300 tickets go through in an event and using two printers (one in front of truck by order window and one in back of truck near kitchen by the expo window) and seeing tickets going 25, 26, 27 and then order, order, order, and then 28 and then order the next 10 times.  

the only way we can actually keep orders straight is via numbers or unique names, and when it goes offline we have to either have the cashier run between two printers and write things manually or we have to yell to the back of truck and have the line worker pull off the latex gloves from making orders to picking up a pen to write the new identifier on the ticket manually.  total and utter disorganization and confusion.  all because you guys will not solve this problem.


like i said, it's easy to sit in an office and write boilerplate support notes and apologize and give me the same useless BS that you guys seem to consider support.  and it's easy to provide controlled demos in a controlled environment to sell us your product.  it's another thing entirely to use it day in and out and then find the shortcomings of said product which is disguised as a professional POS system.


please explain to me the rationale as to why we cannot auto assign ticket numbers in offline mode and why this requires us to be connected to your servers.  in plain english, please.

Message 5 of 7

Hi @thefixonwheels - It looks like you were able to receive an explanation on why Order Tickets need an internet connection from our CS team via email. I hope the workaround of manually entered ticket ID is a viable solution in the meantime.


I personally use Square Point of Sale for my own business and know that many of my colleagues do as well so I do understand where you're coming from. With that said, we always advocate for our customers in the spirit of being fellow entrepreneurs.


If you have any other questions, feel free to let us know!

Puka - She/They
Seller Community UX Designer
Message 6 of 7

it just makes no sense why this cannot be written into the app natively. 


no one has been able to explain this to me. 

Message 7 of 7