
Deposit doesn't match sales

I have 3 transactions for a specific day.  They all show up in the transactions, but when got my deposit summary only 2 of the transactions are being deposited. I have no disputes, and when I check each transaction 2 say "Deposited $xxx"  and one says nothing under it. Is this being disputed but not in my list yet?  


I mean I trusted that when I charge a card, I am getting the money for it, but now I have merchandise out the door and no idea if I am getting paid or not.  Is this common?


I;ve already sent a message to support, but I'd like to know if this is common and if others have seen this, and how it was resolved so I don't have to keep my mind on it all weekend.



Message 1 of 6
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Best Answer

Figured out the problem. The customer seems to have ripped me off, it is listed as "cash" which is why it isn't going in.  I don't use Square as my POS, as I don't feel like running my whole business off an iPad someone can just lift and walk out with, so I just use it for credit card transactions.


Anyway, thanks, now I know they did it on purpose and I can black list them from my store.  Luckily it was a slow day and I know the person who did it...

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Message 3 of 6
Super Seller Alumni

Check your deposit status here.  Any Pending deposits will be listed here.  If you did this transaction this week it will more than likely be deposited on Monday.  


Message 2 of 6

Best Answer

Figured out the problem. The customer seems to have ripped me off, it is listed as "cash" which is why it isn't going in.  I don't use Square as my POS, as I don't feel like running my whole business off an iPad someone can just lift and walk out with, so I just use it for credit card transactions.


Anyway, thanks, now I know they did it on purpose and I can black list them from my store.  Luckily it was a slow day and I know the person who did it...

Message 3 of 6
Super Seller Alumni

If it is listed as cash that means the person who rang it up did the sale as cash or are you allowing your customer to ring themselves? Square was not intended for self-checkout.

Message 4 of 6

It's not self-checkout.  As I said above, I enter the amount, hit charge, and then since the chip reader is completely separate, I hand them the ipad, and let them insert the card and sign, just like 99% of the card readers in stores, there is an option to let the customer swipe their own card.  ISo, make a signature pad, so they don't get to touch the ipad ever.


So you are correct, the customer hit the cash option and walked out. Sure, I can't blame square for anything. I enter the value, let the customer pay, keeps the line moving, until your customer hits the cash, swipes their card to make it look like they charged, and walks out.


If there is no way to block this, I do not accept cash on Square, so can I disable the option?  I don't split, I don't allow cash on Square. Why does Square think its a good idea to have the customer have the ability to hit cash while they are taking the iPad to Sign?  I said to charge them, the button literally says "Charge $X.XX" not accept payment for $X.XX. The cash should be separate and handled before I say "Charge $X.XX".


Anyway, it was $26, not anything to freak out about, but this is just one more example of how Square wants it done their way, and doesn't want you to have a store you want, they want cookie cutter stores that are all exactly the same.

Message 5 of 6
Super Seller Alumni

If the customers card will not work via the chip reader then we ask for the customers card and swip it for them.  Then allow them to tip and sign.  To me allowing the customer to interact with the payment option screen doesn't make sense,  While a video may show it I don't thing the customer should be the one swiping there card.


Every businsess is different and you have to make adjustments to make the system work best for you.

Message 6 of 6