
Why won't my booking site save my edit?

 When I try and edit my booking site it will not save the changes. Which means I cannot change my hours of operation so that my clients can make appointments

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@cgrenhart720 Any chance you are logged into two different devices at the same time you are trying to edit the site.  If so, there has been issues in the past.  Lets say you have an iPad logged in to edit and you are sitting next to your desktop computer also logged in and editing.  One will cancel the other out.  If this is the case - log into only one device - make your changes - save it and log out.  Log back in and your changes should be corrected.  If not I would refer to the online support or contact Square direct. Another possibility, do you have two different log in ID's - one with limited access?  Again if this does not help contact Square or wait here for a second option. 

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@cgrenhart720 Any chance you are logged into two different devices at the same time you are trying to edit the site.  If so, there has been issues in the past.  Lets say you have an iPad logged in to edit and you are sitting next to your desktop computer also logged in and editing.  One will cancel the other out.  If this is the case - log into only one device - make your changes - save it and log out.  Log back in and your changes should be corrected.  If not I would refer to the online support or contact Square direct. Another possibility, do you have two different log in ID's - one with limited access?  Again if this does not help contact Square or wait here for a second option. 

Message 2 of 4

I have updated my appointment calendar to show the week we will be closed for business but the booking site is not showing those days an unavailable to schedule an appointment.  Is there a way to make the booking site gray out those days?  

Message 3 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Hi @T1real,


I moved your post to an existing post where @Feedback2016 provided some troubleshooting on the booking site not updating here.


If that isn't the issue, it'd be best to contact our direct Appointments team to further troubleshoot and take a closer look at what could be missing.

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
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