
my open tickets are not closing when paid off! help!

So I activated open tickets to move credit sales off of my ipad and onto my phone to take debit... I did this because we are a drive through business that often has sales that require a signature and fr customer tips (asking a customer if they want to leave a tip is a bit tacky sometimes.) so we save a new ticket... then grab the phone... click tickets.....find the ticket... tap it.... it appears on our phone with the items and the total.... we hit charge.... credit..... then swipe the card..... payment is succsesful..... and we go about our business.... But those paid tickets, if tapped, open right up and you can add stuff to them.... not good since they were already rang out.... then if you it void or cancel the ticket it returns  the payment to the customer.... so how do we close these out and clear them off? do they just clear out at the end of the night? it just amkes me nervous, if an employee jumps in and makes a mistake they could accidentally return all of our debit payments. Any suggestions? Thanks


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Square Community Moderator

Hi there, and sorry for the late response. 


This sounds very strange. As soon as you complete the payment for the entire ticket, the ticket itself should be removed from your ticket list in the Point of Sale app. 


Also, funds can only be returned to the customer if a transaction is refunded through the activity tab or through the Square Dashboard. 


We might need for you to call in to our Support Team so we can walk through this with you, as I'm not able to replicate what you're describing on my end. 

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