
If this, then that for item modifiers with multiple size options and prices.

I own a pizzeria and have been using item categories and modifiers successfully for all items except pizzas. I have them set up by type - size option - add on item choices. The problem is that when we choose a Large, for example, the small add ons are displayed first, then the mediums, and finally the Large choices. This issue causes my team to accidentally choose a small add on for a large pizza, thus making the pizza price incorrect. On busy nights when the phone is ringing off the hook and we're trying to ring in deliveries as fast as possible its very easy to make the wrong selection. 


Is there any way to creat an If This Then That so that when a pizza size is chosen then the add on options for only that size of pizza are displayed? Or perhaps even putting them in the correct order from small to large?

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Super Seller

IFTT doesn't directly change or modify Square POS.  It can look at data produced by Square and then execute based on if then.


one way you could have only the right add-on modifiers is if each pizza size was its own item rather than a variable on one item, that way only the modifiers that pertain to that size item show up.

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