
How to automatically run payroll?

I have all employees on salary. I want to automatically run payroll without having to manually login. Is there a way to do this?

Message 1 of 7

We do not have a way to automatically run payroll for salaried employees yet. That is a great idea and I will pass it on to the Payroll team.


You can pay salaried employees by dividing their annual salary by 2,080 to calculate the hourly rate.
Then, when you run payroll, pay them a notional 40 hours per week. There are no issues with using this method to pay your salaried employees. Tax rates and withholdings are the same no matter how your pay is structured. Hope that helps!


Message 2 of 7

I understand how to run payroll. I just don't want to login and run payroll every two weeks. I have no salaried employees, and I just want payroll to run regardless of whether I'm in town or out in the bush away from the Internet.

Message 3 of 7

I have this issue, too -- I'm not on the internet for days at a time. I had (wrongly) assumed payroll would just run on its own at the end of the designated pay period, and was surprised to hear from my workers that they didn't receive their pay.  Then I saw the email from Square telling me to run payroll by 8pm several days prior or that their pay would be late.


Is there an automatic run payroll option?  If not, will there be? 


In the meantime, I'd suggest allowing a trusted employee to log in and hit the "Run Payroll" button on the correct date, but letting an employee access the Square Dashboard isn't something any business can do, so hopefully auto-running is/is going to be an option?

Message 4 of 7

Hi @Kt, thanks for checking in and for taking the time to share your trusted employee suggestion!


Still no specific timeline available for an automatic run payroll feature, but we'll certainly announce any updates. Feel free to reply with any other questions or insight.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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Message 5 of 7

I also didn't know that I needed to manually import the time cards.  I saw the "Import Timecards" option in Payroll but assumed that was for people using other means of tracking employee hours.  Maybe some basic instructions (please don't make us watch another video!) that you will need to (simply) manually click Import Timecards and Run Payroll to actually run payroll for us less internet/app-savvy people who just started using Square Payroll.


I expected that, since I signed up for Payroll (not time cards/permissions/etc), those hours would appear in Payroll.  I panicked when they weren't there.  The hours also didn't appear in time cards the first several times I looked -- they only appeared in Timecards *after* I went to Payroll, then back to Timecards -- some kind of bug? And because of this stuff, I needed to pay one employee out ahead (because now their pay is going through a week late), and so I deleted her timecards from Timecards, but when I try to "Import Timecards" again to update Payroll without her hours for that week, it does not zero out deleted timecards.  So now I'm paying her twice and working out that pay as advance on this week, but still...there should be a way to edit on the Payroll page or to delete one person from the Payroll Timecards listed without removing them entirely from Payroll (the only option I could find).

Message 6 of 7

Hey @Kt, thanks for following up and I'm so sorry to hear about the trouble you're encountering.


I can't get into account specifics within the online community, but if you haven't already, please let our Support team know about any unresolved issues. Once they're able to have a closer look at your account, they'll be able to help sort this out. In addition, I'll be sure to share your experience with our product liaision team, who works to improve our products based on seller feedback.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
Find step-by-step help in our Support Center
Message 7 of 7