
Google mobile friendly test issues.

Not totally sure where to ask this, so if it's in the wrong place... any help would be great.

Anyhow. Been working on my site lately, updating, etc... and ran the Google mobile friendly test before resubmitting. There were lots of errors that I managed to fix.

However, the biggest error is that Google doesn't seem to know what to do with any images on my site.

They all come up as "Other Error", and on the display, only the alt tags are shown.

I've attached two pics of how Google sees my site. Most pics are gone, save the alt text. "Ramekin" is an example.

Any thoughts on why Google is having trouble with the images?


Message 1 of 4

Hey @Just_Billy
I ran the Google Mobile Friendly Test site against a newly created Weebly site (after applying a theme and doing nothing else), and I too received a handful of issues similar to your own. The images for me (like you) are "Other error".

This page is where you can learn more about the errors and what to do, it that page it says the following (but does NOT address the "Other error" issue):


If the page can't be fully loaded (unloadable resources)

If a test cannot load all resources used by a page, you will get a warning. Resources are external elements included by the page, such as images, CSS, or script files. This can happen for several reasons:

  • The resource wasn't loadable in a reasonable amount of time. In this case, try running the test again. If it continues to happen, consider hosting the resource somewhere else, or else try to discover and fix the reason for lack of response from the host.
  • The resource does not exist in the location listed (404 error). Fix the resource URL.
  • The resource is inaccessible to non-logged-in users. The test accesses the page as an anonymous user; ensure that all resources are accessible to anonymous users.
  • The resource is blocked to Googlebot by a robots.txt file. If the resource is important (see below), if it is on your own site, you might want to unblock the resource to Googlebot; if it is on another site, you might want to contact the site's webmaster and ask to have it unblocked.

Unblocking important resources

If a blocked resource is important, it could have a big effect on how Google understands the page. For example, a blocked large image could make a page appear to be mobile-friendly when it is not, or a blocked CSS file could result in incorrect font styles being applied (for example, too small for a device). This affects both the mobile usability score and Google's ability to crawl your page. You should make sure that important resources are not blocked to Googlebot by robots.txt and are generally accessible.


That isn't very helpful since they don't provide detail around each individual error (especially the "Other error" error...LOL.

I don't think it is going to "hurt" your site (except, potentially, in regards to SEO).

Tags (3)
Message 2 of 4

Ya. I was going to experiment with the images. Maybe lower the quality and see if that makes a difference. It could be a size thing. Doesn't seem to be hurting my SEO all that much, was mainly just curious. I'll let you know if the image size is the "other" factor.
Message 3 of 4

Delightful, please do share your findings. Smiley Happy

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