
Quick Question About Building App


I'm new here on the developer community. I'm building a feedback tool for my company and want to put it onto the app store. The tool uses a simple JS script to pull in the data. When I upload the .zip file, what am I uploading if the script is this?

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://app.myhexa.co/feedback/demo/feedback.js"></script>



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Hello @myhexa (Austin)!

You're going to need to follow along with our Getting Started Guide for new Weebly Developers and once you've read through all of that, determine what type of application to create that is most applicable to your use case and goals for the app.

Without knowing more about what you're trying to achieve, it seems that you might be able to just create a Snippet App and include your JS code in the markup as you've indicated. Of course, you may have more complex needs or use cases to address, and you're welcome to ask any development questions you have here.

You'll want to create a developer account on the Weebly Developer Admin Portal, and then define a new application in there which will provide you with the API Keys you'll need while defining your app's manifest.json file that must be uploaded within the ZIP file (at the root) in order for your app to operate.

To get your app ready to publish, you'll need to install that application to your Weebly Developer Test Site, and make certain it is operational and functioning properly in all the major browsers. Once everything has been tested and you know your app is ready, you can submit your app for review to be published on the Weebly App Center.

Message 2 of 4

Thanks for the help! So, if I make a snippet app, the user will drag the block onto their site and it'll use the JS code? Will it show the user the JS code and allow them to edit it like an html block?


Message 3 of 4

Hello Austin,

Snippet apps are template (.tpl) files which, when authorized and successfully installed, will be executed/rendered on EVERY page of the respective site.

Make certain you have read the Snippet Docs if you haven't already, and I would recommend making sure to install your app on at least your Developer Test Site (and on multiple browsers/devices).

Your app will still need to implement the App Authorization and Installation Flow for the Snippet. Below I've highlighted *important development info* to address which might prevent your app review from being approved:

Note: Because apps that run natively on iOS mobile devices need to use App Transport Security, any URLS in your app must use the HTTPS URLs. Also note that because the Weebly editor and published sites use jQuery and Underscore, if your app also needs to use these libraries, do not expose any global variables, as conflicts may arise.
Snippets are active only on published sites and not in the Weebly editor. So when your customers install a snippet, they won't see the snippet when they're returned to the editor. You can configureyour app so that instead, the user is given the option to publish the site and see the snippet in action. 
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