
How to embed a code for modal pop up using href instead of a button?

Hi Weebly team,

does anyone have a template code to add a modal pop up triggered by an href link? 

I am not into the modal app that cost $10 per month at the moment, it seems impractical for a functionality like that. It seem to cost too much to be not included in the $25 per month business plan that I have.

And what are the pros and cons of using this approach?

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Just FYI - if you are talking about this app - https://www.weebly.com/app-center/modal-pop# - it's NOT $10 monthly but is a one-time payment of $10.

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@rl0160:  The suggestion provided by @NJRFTF is your best bet.  A one time fee of $10 can't be beat.  Yes it is possible to do vial html/css code, but it will take you lot more time to insert them - assuming you are good at html/css.  If not you may have to hire some one and that will cost you lot more.  I have inserted many fancy modal pop thingies in weebly and it is not a few min. job.

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Hi @bobafett and @NJRFTF

Thanks for your suggestions. I will have to reconsider. For the meantime, I have 2 modals embeded. Though one of them is having issue with close modal when click outside window, it will be enough at the moment. Also I still have to tweak the CSS for the hover and when the link is clicked behavior. i have basic understanding of those languages, maybe i have to get some basics of java script.

Can I see some of the websites you are managing through weebly so I might be able to gain some insights?

I wish weeblt can create their own modal template in the future. It might not hurt them that much.

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