
If you want to use Weebly better do this - or you will regret that you chose weebly

I have been a good cheerleader of weebly on this forum.  I have one paid site (for which I pay only $0.15/day) and dozens of free ones that I use to learn new stuff and stay mentally active.

One of my sites dis-appeared.  When I say disappeared all the custom css/js and html files went to never never land.

I learned that Weebly DOES NOT DO ANY BACKUPS (we all know that it also does not allow users to do their backups either).  So if some gremlins eat your files - tough luck. Any customisation you might have done is gone.

The reason Weebly does not do anybackups because they want to defy Murphy's law.  Nothing will ever go wrong. They also believe all Weebly users should use their boring plain jane templates and start creating, start being bold, start following dreams and owning the spotlight, blah, blah, blah.

Sure they can easily find your old content - text and images and paste it for you, but that is it.

So my advice to you get in to the mode of making COPIES of your live websites.  Do it frequently - once a week.  Why do you care? with one website you get nine free ones.  Use that feature or some day you will regret the decision that you built your business on Weebly.

I have no desire to vote on the features section to vote for personal backup feature - it is Weebly's way to shut people up by saying 'Vote on the Feature' and we will work on them.

My gripe of the day (I was on the phone with Dan and perhaps I was bit harsh.  Poor Dan! I am sure he has no control over the decisions made way up in the food chain, but him and his coworkers are left to defend those decisions).

Well I have time and this will give me something to do for the next 3-4 months.

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In my personal opinion, always, always, make a backup. Of your site, of your custom theme, and of your content. It's the cardinal rule of code, college papers, and anything else they'll let you have more than one of in life. We have tools for all three, and here's how to put them to use:

Copying a site is a fast and painless process, being a few clicks at most, and gives you a complete copy of the content and details. There are a few limitations to it, like blog content and products. You'll also want to save your theme progress separately.

Backing up your theme is even easier. Click the Export Theme button on the bottom left of the code editor, and you'll be able to save your code work. If you're making changes to the theme, always do this often. The only thing worse than losing progress on code is having a theme that doesn't work, when you're not sure how and don't have a backup to revert to.

Archiving your content is a lot like copying your site, except you get an offline-accessible ZIP file of the content. It's not as simple as a site copy, but you can take it anywhere you like.

Always keep these in mind when making changes to an established site. Even if you have an easy way to fix it up, play it safe. Even failsafes can fail. We have an automatic save system that's great for making sure you don't lose progress, but it won't know if you meant to replace your entire product page with your album of cute puppy pictures or not, and there is no "undo" button.

Sorry for the loss, @bobafett. Hopefully we can help make sure nobody here has to encounter that kind of thing again.

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Why are sites not backed up by Weebly?  I would really like to know.  It's no wonder when things get all messed up on the eCommerce side of things they can't put them back the way they were.  I do copy my site, but that only does so much.

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Making a copy of each website is the best thing you can do. However, you can only have 10 websites in one account. Therefore for 5 websites and 5 copies you need one account. That means you have to pay twice the amount you would otherwise need to pay if Weebly backed them up for you for free. I don't know if this is the reason Weebly don't make back-ups but its the effect. 

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