
Store issues: Who decided it was a good idea to not enable users to change from service to digital?

I have a store that was built when store changes where happening.  I could not build all of the "products" as services so I created some as digital.  Now customers cannot purchase both "digital" and "service" itmes in the same cart.  I'm being told that I need to create all new products from scratch instead of jsut changing the "product type"  It's a drop down menu for goodness sake!  Who could have possibly thought that this was a good idea?  I had to create they workaround becasue of changes you guys where making to the store! 

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Thanks for posting, @bernardtm. I don't know the reasons why you can't change a product type, although I'd imagine that there are some technical reasons for this which could cause issues if it were possible. Just to clarify, you are trying to check out with a digital product and service product in your cart, and it gives you the message that you can purchase both at the same time because of the message about fulfillment methods?

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Well, I had to create them as digital products because there where changes being made in the backround of the website by Weebly.  You could switch back an forth between product types.  For some reason I had to use digitial. You could switch if just by changing a drop down menu item.  Now. You can't. The entire product needs delted and re-created.  That was a decison by some software braintrust who thought it was for the greater good.  I don't buy that.  I had several discussions with tech support yesterday.  I have called tech support more in the last two months than I have in the last 5 years.  Its horrid that your software developers are so lackadaisical. beta testing on current clients. I have offered more than once to provide feedback since I have developed and maintain over 30 weebly sites for clients.  I have lost a client as has weebly becasue of the current store issues. It's frankly getting absurd. 

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You cannot check out if you have a digital and a service in your cart.  Period.  Thats kinda stupid. Why can't customers buy what they want? Its bad enough that the "continue shopping isn't even a **bleep** button and is tiny and hidden.... and that if you do find the "continue shopping' it takes you back to the home page instead of where you where.  What neophyte thought of that?  Didn't they ever have a class in e-commerce and visual heirarchy?

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I am having the same issue with checking out with both services and products.  Anyway to be able to buy both in one transaction?

Message 9 of 8

Thanks for posting, @smevans1. There wouldn't be a way to get around this at the moment, unless you wanted to recreate your service products as "physical" products.

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I'm having the same problems. I sell digital items and physical items. They have to be purchased seperately and I loosing sales because people don't want to check out twice. Now I find out today that the Free digital items have to be done in a transaction all by themselves. PLEASE FIX THIS software problem.

Message 9 of 8

Thanks for your feedback, @Jillybeanf. I don't know yet whether purchasing both types of items in a single purchase is on the roadmap, though I'm sure we'll want to add digital fulfillment to our digital items. 

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