

Today, I stayed on hold for 27 minutes before I was told I couldn't be help. Is this the type of service I am paying for? Is it time to switch over to another web host? It may be so. I need a web host whose services include helping with coding at times. Fact is, some of us are running businesses where we don't have the time to write code practically all day to build or update our websites. Those of us who are paying for customer service should be able to call and speak with someone who is highly qualified to help in the many areas of website building. Otherwise, what is the use of having a customer service.

I've even read a few community topics where people are having trouble receiving thier refunds. This is ridiculous!

Right at this moment, I feel it's time to do my research on other web host services who have an extremely high customer service caring for the needs of all of their customers. Especially, those who pay. It ticks me off to think there are folks paying for Weebly packages and getting this kind of unworthy service. I know there are some well qualified persons in the community. However, I just needed to write this to vent and get this off my chest.

I'm sure there are many of you who feel the same. Check the Community you'll see what I'm talking about.

Nicquitta Brooks

K.H.M.E.T~Keeping Human Minds Elevating Together


Message 1 of 17


Just wondering what your issue is that customer service was unable to help you with?

Message 8 of 17

AFAIK the OP is miffed by waiting 27 minutes to be told Weebly can't help with coding.

I doubt any host would offer such a service - certainly not iwithout extra cost...

Message 8 of 17

@Paul_B:  You got it right.  OP wants weebly to be their webmaster  @ 1/day.  No hosting company will offer that service.  When weebly offered their design services, the maintenance option was at $30/mo. 

Message 8 of 17

@bobafett @Paul_B: I don't know about you two, but I pay for my site. Taking my hard earn money means I better be getting the utmost quality service. My whole point is I would pay for the design services if that option was present. However, it isn't. Even if it was, Weebly still doesn't have qualified persons to help with those types of issues. Their customer service is thumbs down weak.

I've already come to my solution. In my circle of associates there are a few who are using html/css coding ten tons more times than I do (as coding is an ever changing thing) and I will pay them to help me make certain changes I am unable to do myself.

If I'm sitting doing coding all day, it takes away from me creating product or providing the services I do. Contrary to what some may believe some business folks have more important things in their business they need to do!!

Message 8 of 17

@NJRFTFRemoval of navigation menu and footer on one page. I was told to create a whole new website or website theme in order to make those changes. However, even if you make some html/css changes, Weebly still has type of block where this can not be changed. 

It's just a hot mess. Had I wanted to build a website from scratch with HTML/CSS I would not have signed up to Weebly. I thought using Weebly was going to be easier and I would have the opportunity to build a less time consuming website, where I would ONLY have to make Minor HTML/CSS changes.

Message 8 of 17

@KHMET: I'm trying to help you here, can I point out some facts.

You "were told to build a whole new website". OK, but this requires certain skills and knowldege and I assume you are taking money for building websites.

I have been building websites for 20 years - using at first MS Frontpage, Hotmetal and then Dreamweaver for HTML sites. Then on to Joomla, Wordpress and eCommerce sites which use PHP, a server on my computer and MySQL databases. Never have I asked or expected my hosting company to help me out when a client wanted something I couldn't do - I learned how to do it and added to my skills.

I appreciate your frustration, but it hardly Weebly's fault that you can't do what you've been asked to do! I use Weebly so that clients with little or no experience with websites can easily update and add to their sites. If I have a brief as specific as yours, I wouldn't use it...

Message 8 of 17

@KHMET wrote:

Today, I stayed on hold for 27 minutes before I was told I couldn't be help. Is this the type of service I am paying for? Is it time to switch over to another web host? It may be so. I need a web host whose services include helping with coding at times. Fact is, some of us are running businesses where we don't have the time to write code practically all day to build or update our websites. Those of us who are paying for customer service should be able to call and speak with someone who is highly qualified to help in the many areas of website building. Otherwise, what is the use of having a customer service.

I hear your frustration but the question is, "is it well founded?".  

Are you getting your money's worth knowing that Weebly is a low cost web-based CMS that has certain limitations.  It is inexpensive compared to say, Squarespace, so we end up with less specialized help.

I know for a fact that Weebly has a stock answer to this question:

"I have a custom theme, can you help me troubleshoot X?"  

Answer always is "no" even if the problem is a Weebly issue and nothing to do with the custom theme.  If you customize AT ALL, even with a Weebly theme in place, then they will not assist. I gather that this is a policy.

So here is the problem with Weebly in this respect. It's a self-contained web CMS that is fairly versitile and if you don't customize anything then you don't really need any specialized customer service. It is what it is - take it or leave it.

But because Weebly has the ability to add custom headers, CSS, jquery, and 3rd party themes, one might expect that Weebly would have people on staff to help troubleshoot problems that arise from the Weebly platform itself rather than simply saying "sorry, you added a line of CSS so we no help you".

Weebly is in a gray area between locked down CMSs like LightCMS and a more customizable CMS like Wordpress. You can customize but then you are really on your own.  If you can't accept this reality then another solution is in your future.  What many companies do that need to customize their web environment is to hire a company that does Wordpress.  

The challenge here is that although WP is largely free, quality WP devs charge around $100-$150/hr. Building a 70 page site will cost you around $25K and then you pay hourly for constant updates (platform and design).  It's still less expensive than say, Sitecore or Sharepoint which will set you back 6 figures a year to maintain but it's still money.

For my part, Weebly is a nice alternative to Wordpress since you can add customization. But you need to either have skills yourself to handle such coding or find a 3rd party dev like the guys at Waddons or Widgetic to help with speciality elements. Weebly does need to add an enterprise solution (that is not Weebly Cloud®) that offers more than the business plan for those of us who have more money than time.  But that is not yet on the horizon.

Not dismissing your frustrations @KHMET, just that for the money paid for the service, it's cost effective.

Message 18 of 17

@KHMET:  Let me try to explain in blunt but simple terms:

1. No economical hosting company will help you customizing your website. You are paying for hosting and that's it.

2. If a feature is important enough, you may:

    a. Learn it your self - Weebly does offer hooks and doors to install whatever you like.

    b. Hire some one to do it for you.  Every poster on this thread is capable of doing what you want.

    c. Develop a relationship with someone who may do it pro-bono.

   d. Hire a webmaster on a retainer.

3. Live with it if you do not want to spend any money.

Message 18 of 17


Any examples of the sites you design? Just curious.

Message 18 of 17

@Creature:  Sure.  I am just now refreshing my own website.

Take a look @www.gigiyut.com

It is mostly complete.  Work on typography/colors and see/fix issues for mobile..

Message 18 of 17

Thanks Bob!

Message 18 of 17

I need to change the container size of 2 maps on my website. After I changed the code to make the maps responsive, they show very small on the desktop. Can anyone help me? I'll pay for your time...

Message 18 of 17

@Fbecquey: Congratulations for offering to pay.  You are one of the first one - almost all the posters want free help for their businesses.

No I will not do it, but the links I have posted are good people.  They just like others.  They run a consulting business to make some money..

Message 18 of 17

Since you brought up maps, I'd like to suggest a tool that I just subscribed to to handle maps.  I was using the MapJam element but that company closed shop.  So I moved over to Mapline and although they don't have a Weebly-specific element, the do have an easy way to embed maps on a Weebly site.

My need was to be able to display company offices globally. It does this within the constraints of Weebly very nicely.

Message 18 of 17

@danielpeter" Mapline - nice gadget.  Can work bigly for most people.

Message 18 of 17

What I found really nice is that you can just enter addresses and other info in a spreadsheet and when you upload it to Mapline, it will place the map pins plus provide the info from the spreadsheet in a bubble.

For addresses that their algorithm can't pin, you can provide lat/long coordinates as a couple of extra columns in your spreadsheet and it will then land the pin exactly where you want it.
Message 18 of 17