
WEEBLY = NO SUPPORT - BE AWARE | main_style.css


It seems that certain CSS elements are added to the main_style.css that can not be controlled by the user - this causes issues in list formatting.

Question to community:

Does anyone know how to avoid those additions to the main_style.css or replace them with own code?

Feedback to Weebly support:

Please start providing support - this is a service we pay for

Read for yourself:

Christian E (Weebly)

Mar 8, 11:54 PST


So I just confirmed with my advanced support that we do not assist with that in the editor. All themes function as they should. Let us know if you need anything else. Have a good day!

Thank you!
Christian E
Customer Success Advocate

Check out our Help Center for helpful articles or to chat with a live Weebly Customer Success Advocate. You can also find additional resources with our Community.


Mar 7, 20:34 PST

Dear Christian,

you are not helping me and you are making assumptions as to my skill level in CSS or that I altered a HTML/CSS style sheet - this is counter productive.

Can you please point me to a standard theme offered by Weebly that does not add the following entries to the main_style.css once the site is published.

I am also happy if you hand over the case to someone else.

div.paragraph ul, div.paragraph ol { padding-left: 3em !important; margin: 5px 0 !important; overflow:hidden; }
div.paragraph li { padding-left: 5px !important; margin: 3px 0 0 !important; }
div.paragraph ul, div.paragraph ul li { list-style: disc outside !important; }
div.paragraph ol, div.paragraph ol li { list-style: decimal outside !important; }

Christian E (Weebly)

Mar 7, 06:10 PST


We do not make any additions to generated main_style.css as well as we do not assist with anything in the HTML/CSS section of the website because on a default basis they work as they should but you have altered the HTML/CSS and anything could be happening to it at this point. Have a great day!

Thank you!
Christian E
Customer Success Advocate

Check out our Help Center for helpful articles or to chat with a live Weebly Customer Success Advocate. You can also find additional resources with our Community.


Mar 6, 07:54 PST

Dear Christian,

Thank you for your reply.

It does not answer my question at all and rather feels like a template response.

Let me rephrase, can you confirm to me that Weebly does not make any additions to the generated main_style.css in the below mentioned theme. The entires I quoted in my first Email are not from the .less files of the theme. So where do they come from.

I expect a personalized reply, please.

Thank you

Christian E (Weebly)

Mar 6, 06:52 PST


Unfortunately, we're not able to provide case by case solutions for custom HTML problems and questions, due to the wide range of uses and associated problems. There are just too many variables for our team to be able to provide hands-on guidance. Altering the CSS of a theme should be done with the understanding that you should know HTML / CSS thoroughly, and be confident in your ability to make changes.

You should also check out our guide to making basic changes to the HTML / CSS of a Weebly theme:


And, if you need more information, be sure to visit the W3C Schools Website to read some great free tutorials on how to work with HTML and CSS:


Thank you!
Christian E
Customer Success Advocate

Check out our Help Center for helpful articles or to chat with a live Weebly Customer Success Advocate. You can also find additional resources with our Community.


Mar 2, 22:13 PST

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am currently using the Wag & Paws theme, but I think my issue is not related to a theme. When inspecting the published site and associated system generated main_style.css, there are some entries at the end, that are not coming from any configuration files.

Those are disturbing the formatting of lists. Is there a way to change them manually?

Those are the entries:
div.paragraph ul, div.paragraph ol { padding-left: 3em !important; margin: 5px 0 !important; overflow:hidden; }
div.paragraph li { padding-left: 5px !important; margin: 3px 0 0 !important; }
div.paragraph ul, div.paragraph ul li { list-style: disc outside !important; }
div.paragraph ol, div.paragraph ol li { list-style: decimal outside !important; }

Message 1 of 9
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

@ba1, you have access to whatever is in the html/css editor, if it's not in that editor then you do not have access to it. There are some things that you will not be able to override. Our newer themes use .less format for our CSS files. You certainly have access to main.less for the theme. If you need further assistance, you can check on the docs file. As the other Weebly representative previously told you, and our other users here at Community will confirm, deviations from the standard platform and its coding do not fall under Weebly support.

View Best Answer >

Message 10 of 9

@ba1:  This may come out very harsh, but hopefully it will bring you back to planet earth.

Weebly support is not personal webmaster or webdesigner.  They will help you with general theme questions and would even go out of way to help you.

But they will not and should not help you with your 'special' requirements.  The money you are paying is for hosting and using their CMS system as is. If those things are important to you you may:

1. Learn css/html and do it yourself

2. Hire some one to do them for you.  I can suggest few excellent ones.

3. If you don't want to spend money, I guess you will just have to live with it. Most likely you won't get any free help.  Just like you don't give away free stuff becasue people don't want to pay.

Message 10 of 9


Not sure what you are talking about - it seems to me that you have not read my message or do not understand the issue.

Let's get something straight to keep the discussion focused on the issue at hand: I know css/html + I am not asking for a personal webmaster or webdesigner

Have you ever examined the main_style.css that gets generated for a published website? It appears that the entries I mentioned in my previsous post are added somehow. Those entries are not part of the html/css that can be edited in the webinterface. I have inspected various other Weebly websites and they all seem to have the same issue.

My question is simple - do I have full control over the generated main_style.css from the webinterface (html/css in the theme section) or not? Can I somehow control those last entries.

I am new to Weebly and I might do something wrong, but I think my question is legitimate and falls within the support.

Message 10 of 9

Message 10 of 9

Best Answer

@ba1, you have access to whatever is in the html/css editor, if it's not in that editor then you do not have access to it. There are some things that you will not be able to override. Our newer themes use .less format for our CSS files. You certainly have access to main.less for the theme. If you need further assistance, you can check on the docs file. As the other Weebly representative previously told you, and our other users here at Community will confirm, deviations from the standard platform and its coding do not fall under Weebly support.

Message 10 of 9


Thank you - you seem to confirm that there are amendments made to the main_style.css beyond the users control. This corrects the earlier statement by one of your colleagues. Now, I can stop looking for a mistake or oversight on my end + focus on a work around.

I am using .less already (which in the end just gets compiled to the main_style.css) and I had previously looked at the docs. It would be great, if you could add to them the things that are not in the users control / will be overwritten by weebly. This would be valuable information.

I am overall happy with the website builder and it is completely OK if certain things are restricted. It would be even better if this would be documented somehow and if your support would be a tick friendlier + try to understand the problem, instead of replying with irrelevant or false things (applies also to the community feedback).

Never mind, no big deal - at least this is clear now and I hope this post helps someone else not to waste time on customized list formats / create nested lists using the standard tags.

Message 10 of 9

@ba1:  No your question is similar to telling the doctor,"I know how to take pills.  Just tell me what piils should I take.".

Like you say you may screw up.  And that is the reason weebly support or rather any webhosting company would not and should not tell you what should you fix.  They have no clue about your abilities to know if you really know how to take the pill or not.  Once they tell you and still you screw up you will keep bothering them.

Again, if the issue is important enough for you hire some coder who know weebly css. I do know few excellent ones.

Message 10 of 9


You are adding no value to this conversation.

The issue is that Weebly overrides settings made in the html/css theme configuration, without this being documented anywhere. I asked for this to be validated, to ensure it was no error on my part. Initially I got wrong advice from Weebly but it is now clarified and I marked the subject as solved.

As I mentioned earlier, I am knowledgable in html and have solved the issue by using a separate class for the formatting I want.

Message 10 of 9

You're right unfortunately..spent the 3 days on silly issues like removing spaces in theme, deleting the line under links, removing quantity feature, and still trying to solve: auto ordering products by date > which is very important, plus extending the search box but no luck...

Its frustrating how we can locate the (main_style.css) in google inspect but no way to reach it...

I chose business plan to make things easy...hope one of the admins here reply to my message.

Message 10 of 9