
Weebly Search Should Be Included In All Plans

I understand the point of running a business being a way to make money, but search is a very basic function that should be available to all paid users, regardless of their paid plan. If anything, at least on the Blog, search should be added at no charge. Site search fine, but search? Not even WordPress is that greedy to not give you a basic search function that was available in 1999. I pay $100 a year and I feel like I'm back in those stone age days. Come on, folks. I love Weebly, but I find some things they do are just greedy and needlessly complex. Search, first of all, should be free. But if you do charge, at least make it avaialble on all paid plans... No hosting on earth that I've ever used made search a paid feature. At least not any intelligent host like WordPress.com or self-hosted WordPress. Having been a Weebly fan, I'm starting to see why people use WordPress... I wish this was not the case because if done right, I feel like Weebly could have been a fair alternative.

Message 1 of 5

@mikeyk: Move on!

Message 6 of 5

Yes, moving on is generally what happens after voicing an opinion, very good. Smiley Happy

Message 6 of 5

@mikeyk:  My comment was not meant as a put down.  What I was trying to imply is that if you find a cheaper alternative elsewhere people should pick that alternative.

However, when you compare costs also compare the cost of building and maintaining a website (the total time it will take you to up and running and if most users can do it themselves).

If you really need that function the cost of an upgrade is not that high.  A starter plan is a stripped down version of the full functionality.  Weebly makes no bones about it.  They list their features that are included in every plan.  What others are offering have no bearing.  It would be like saying Lexus offers this feature so Ford must include that in their Focus.

Message 6 of 5

Oh, I couldn't agree with you more! You're absolutely right about everything you're saying here. I guess I'm a little dissappointed that the Blog feature didn't come with an exception of its own little search just for posts. I did know Site Search was a separate plan, however, what I was simply used to was search either being free or the exception in their blog feature, separate from site search. I do understand what you're saying though. Yes, the price is not high to purchase the next available plan in which search is available. Guess I'll look into it, thank you.

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