
community tinymce

I'm just looping this in to here but I originally wrote this for I lost my article Queso is linked because they responded to it (no reply) and Adam's included because I've spoken to him about similar stuff like this before. 

@QuesoI've told @Adam about this a couple times. If anything interferes with these tinymc editors you can bet you're about to kiss your post goodbye. Some of my posts span the course of a day or two to write just because I multi-task and I don't rush-post. But if you don't copy it and refresh after the session times out there is absolutly nothing to catch the POST data. so you're stuck with the last auto save unless you're you have the knowledge of how to dig things out of cache (not that it's difficult but it's a matter of knowing it and not having your cache completely manually disabled like I do in firefox) 

The thing is, you can lose data on anyform in weebly that session issiue is community specific. I have no idea what causes the blog problem because youcan stay in that editor till the apocolyps. it's possible that it runs on a different session that it gives at the top level and it appears hidden intentionally or not. I don't know I haven't tried to debug it so I''m grabbing at straws.

The thing i feel makes this so annoying is that I don't experience this any where else. I'm not expecting the session Time to increase because it really doesn't do much in the long run but if nothing else there really needs to be a script on the error page template that is ready just in case they can catch the form data salad when things are submitted everything's not totally lost when they don't go to the right page

(case in point it literally just happen to me and this didn't take me very long to write say 10 minutes?)

Another bug to keep in mind that really is getting annoying is the at+username glitch. I don't know if it happens to everyone or apple or what but when I useit, like in the first line, it keeps trying to steal my carriage and once it's there it will "progressively delete" as if you hit the "delete" button. Only way it will stop is if you look at the HTML tab and come back to rtf

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I've noticed the issue with @ mentions as well where it sometimes causes me to accidentally delete text. I'll see what I can do to fix that.

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I pushed a change out that fixes @ mentions, @AngelXAces. You should see the drop-down again and I don't think it will cause some of the weirdness that it was.

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@Adam, awesome! thanks!
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