
Order Confirmation Emails

Hi there,

I am currently using the free version of weebly and wish to sell more than one product through weebly ecommerce. The problem I am having is with the confirmation emails sent to customers. It doesn't seem to be customizationable for each product meaning all confirmation emails sent out must be the same regardless of which product. Is this the case? I want to be able to send out different confirmation emails based on the product purchased, for example

Sneakers purhcased - specific confirmation email relating to sneakers and this purchase

Shoes purchased - specific confirmation email relating to shoes and this purchase

Bag purchase - specific confirmation email relating to bags and this purchase

At present there is only one confirmation email which goes out to all customers regardless of the different products they have bought. Is there a way around this or is this just a drawback of the free version?

Any assistance you could provide would be much appreciated as I'm findign it terribly frustrating!

Kind regards,

Owen Roberts

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Hi Owen. It is not possible to customize the email per product. What type of additional information are you trying to add? i.e. someone purchases shoes..what would that email look like?

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