
Hello, Weebly? Customers are Waiting for Help!

I thought it might just be me, not being tech savvy; isn't that who you aim your advertising at, tech idiots who need help occasionally or possibly constantly - which I haven't needed.  However I see that there's more dissatisfaction with Wobbly, I mean Weebly then you can shake a stick at - providing there's really anybody at Wacky, I mean Weebly to shake a stick at?  I have had a problem for the last two months, two different Reps and I asked for a manger to help me going on two weeks now. With the next two weeks coming up in, by golly... two weeks, we will definately have a theme going on here.

I guess I need to figure out how to celebrate two months - there's that "Two" theme again - of no help from Weakly, dang! I mean Warpy, I mean Wobbly, ahhhh Weebly. I bet there's at least 2 dozen complaints just on the first few pages of this community site; i would say on the first two pages but I don't think there's that many per page. I bet Wonky, I mean ... ah forget it,

You want to be paid and unfortunately I see I just reupped for another year not long ago. I have been very quiet the last couple of years, no problems, but now I have a problem that needs fixed because I have lost money the last few weeks from no customers. But Weebly you want paid don't you? Let's see two weeks from now, that will be close to the end of the month and time to pay up on a site that's worthless to me. I mean, and I'll admit it, I screwed up to begin with, so now I'm expected to fix it with a few  "read this' or "try this"? If I could do that I wouldn't have had problems to begin with.  Recently I opened another website elsewhere and the service was as different as night and day. Everything was explained perfectly and, oh my gosh, I didn't feel like they were worried about a "Handle Time" or feeding me gobbledegook that sounds like a really foreign language - I think these problems I need real help with are exactly why I came to you to begin with. Speak it, write it, all of it still means nothing to me.

You know I've taken so much time writing this, I bet it would look real good on some other social sites, what do you think "Weiny?" Oops! There I go again. Weebly you want paid don't you? Let's see, two weeks from now and we'll be close to the end of the month and time to pay up on a site that's virtually worthless to me. I had a work event wednesday night that usually fills up, but it was half empty hmmm, no website to help advertise?  Gosh what if something goes wrong with the link to my payment account in two weeks? I guess you would want to get paid for a website that's worthless to me because someone there needs to actually go in and do something themselves instead of reading from the "Big Book of  Temporary Fixits and Excuses for Not Really Helping."

Are you mad yet!!! Well, just picture someone who has lost a bit of money the last few weeks. 

Weebly you want paid don't you? Let's see, two weeks from now and we'll be close to the end of the month and time to pay up on a site that's virtualy worthless to me. I hope the account works?

Now, if what I hear is true you won't read this until two weeks from now if at all. Your reputation in the marketplace is starting to suck, you'd better clean it up. I'd be the first to sing your praises if you could turn it around.w

Charles T. LeSueur

Message 1 of 5


I looked at your support request history. The reps answered your questions in a timely manner and solved the issues you were asking about. I don't see any open tickets with unresolved issues. I do see you have one account with us, and another account with one of our resellers (that is, a company we have a partnership with that uses a version of our site builder for their customers), and they have an entirely separate support team. You may need to follow up with them if that's who you're waiting on. If it's an issue with your site here at Weebly, feel free to private message me the details (and a ticket number if you have it, though I don't see one open --- perhaps you wrote in from a different email address, though), and I can get the problem resolved. 

Message 2 of 5

how can i delate a site??

Message 5 of 5

On your account dashboard, click on the "..." button to the right and choose the delete option there.

Message 5 of 5

how can i delate a site
Message 6 of 5