
Site stats

Weebly changed its stats to mirror googles, does that mean the previous stats weebly used for x amount of years has been a lie? I also heard the new stats dont register private browsing and VPN, not good.

Message 1 of 67

Hi EVERYONE who flat lines

Do u all have E commerce sites?  Or  are on pro  or business plans?

As i have a standard blog on Connect Plan and im not flatlining

@Adam  @Sundownalpacas @Bernadette 

Message 66 of 67

Good question.  My stats here at 0 for the last 7 days and here is a comparison with GA for last 7 days. I know maybe they might not be all humans but still a big difference. My site is relatively new and just started withe the SEO thanks to @whitemonkey  help.


Message 66 of 67

My traffic numbers have been growing steadily over the last 5 years since I started my blog. But suddenly, I check my traffic and both pageviews and visits have dropped in a HUGE way. For instance, the last time I checked my year-to-date traffic, I was around 1.2 MILLION pageviews and nearly 500,000 visits. Today the pageviews dropped to 250,000 and visits down to 195,000. REALLY?

And... when I would check early in the morning, my daily numbers would show 500-700 visitors... today it showed ZERO! At the end of each night I would check my traffic and I was averaging around 4000 pageviews and 1500 visitors. Now it shows in the hundreds for each. WTF?!

I was just promoting my blog to potential advertisors using the former stat numbers... what am I to do now? Is my blog even worth monetizing with these dropped numbers??

What about you people who are already getting advertising dollars based on the old traffic numbers? Are you going to lose cash? And what should I do now? When I could tout 1/2 million pageviews the potential for ad dollars looked great. When I calculated a low percentage of return on a Patreon campaign, the numbers looked fantastic... now that potential lhas fallen into the toilet.

Thoughts??? Have I been wasting my time for the last five years building my blog and brand and creating thousands of pages of great content for nothing?


Message 68 of 67

I was shocked to log in this morning to find my numbers down by thousands when I just checked yesterday and my page views were 7,000 higher than they say this morning! 

Message 68 of 67