
Some more resources as promised!

Faxage Great value for people who need HIPAA complaince or want to retire their old fax machine.
Toll Free Numbers The only guy I turst to get me a vanity toll-free number at a resonable price.

Sideline - A free 2nd line to seperate work and play. and YouMail - Voicemail on Steroids for your cell, landline, anything that has call forwarding.


Affordable VOIP phone service for $185.00\2 years of virtually unlimited calling. I personally know the CEO he is a great guy and tries to do right by his customers. Referred over 50 people to them and most are happy campers. Since no one can please everyone 100% of the time most complaints I have heard were frivolous. Eg. expecting 99.99% percent uptime, not knowing VOIP is only as good as the QOS of your ISP, not reaching out for help when needed with setup, etc.

Cheap Landing Page Maker Very afforable way to make nice looking landing pages that work. I paid for a sub and it is worth every penny.

KickOff Labs A-B Lead page testing. For businesses who have cash flow already and want to impove coversions.

Formisimo Form page tracking and analytics.

Virtual Office Solutions If anyone needs an affordable daytime answering service.

OffLine Presence Great value on offline premade marketing templates. Time is money!

53 Ways to improve website conversions Enough Said...

Disqus Comment mangement system and community for website blogs. Shout out to Weebly for making it so easy to integrate with their free website blogging. All one needs to do is sign up with Disquss and add their site with this link https://disqus.com/admin/create

My favorite CloudFlare! If your willing to take an hour to experiment, read, and go through all the settings it can cut your weebly site load time in half! Since I always bacup what I say with proof!

Well kids got to get off the playground and back to work. Hope everyone has a great day.

P.S. Always use protection when surfing the interwebs! Zoolz - Affordable, Automatic Cloud Backup!

Message 1 of 3

This is such a great list!

Thank you for taking the time to write this up and share with everyone. We really appreciate it!

Enjoy your day,


Weebly Community Manager

Message 2 of 3

Always happy to help out fellow peeps. If people keep liking I'll keep sharing. Have a great weekend Erin & ladies and gents!

Message 3 of 3