
Several How Do I....

1.  How do I prevent the side scroll bar from showing up when printing orders?

2.  How do I or can I set it up where customers can review past orders?

3.  How do I get rid of "Order Transactions" at the end of the orders as it is taking A LOT of extra paper and/or time if I have to print preview all the time?

4.  How do I or is there a way to print a packing list?

5.  I am guess this one is now an "how do I" but a more of looking for suggestions in regards to printing orders.   Why is there not a way to mark that the order is in progess?  Why is it pending or shipped only?  With a business that sells physical products and has more than just one person working, orders have been printed twice because when they logged in it looked like no printed orders for the day. 

Thank you for your time and hopefully these are just things I am overlooking despite spending multiple hours searching for the answers.

Message 1 of 3

Hey @MiKri!

1. Try zooming out in your browser: CTRL and minus on a Windows computer; Command and Minus on an Apple computer.

2. It wouldn't be possible to set that up right now since we don't currently have customer accounts. We're looking into something like that, though.

3. It's also not possible to customize what is included with order print outs right now.

4. Are you using the printed order as a packing list? That's probably the easiest way to do that right now since it would list out whatever products someone ordered.

5. Generally speaking, "pending" works for most peope for that status, although I can see if you've got employees looking at this there's no way for them to know if someone is already handling one.

I'd recommend making posts to our Vote on Features board for anything you'd like us to add:

Vote on Features

Message 2 of 3

Hi Adam!

1.  Thank you I will try that.  I have trying zooming, but apparently not enough.  Maybe changing the margins in my print settings might work.

2.  Well shoot, I really hope that this can come to fruition as I think that many could benefit from this feature.  I get a TON of emails from people wanting to know what color or type they ordered the last time and this is rather time consuming.

3.  Okay

4.  I am using the printed order as both a pull list for my employees as well as a packing list for the customer. 

5.  Since moving our website to Weebly this has really been a huge issue and I just thought it would have been a standard feature for an ecommerce website since it was with our last website provider and even Paypal has options for progression/status of orders.  Yes, I could use PayPal, but again the volume of our orders it is not practical for us to go back and forth between Weebly and the website to check and update.

Thank you for your suggestions and time.

Message 3 of 3