
Finished desktop site- mobile site looks horrible!

Just finished the desktop version of my site www.guesswhere.co. Assumed this was 'mobile optimized' as this was advertised when purchasing the theme. I have finished now and while the site looks great on desktop- there needs to be major editing on mobile as it looks horrible. 

I'm very close to going over to Wix as they make it easy to edit the mobile version. How do I go about doing this with Weebly? I've been looking and there doesn't seem to be a solution. 

Message 1 of 16

@joff07:  If you have newer theme it should be automatic.

Having said that get this in your mind.  Mobile website will NEVER look the same as desktop.  In addition when you are designing your site think 'Mobile First'.  Perhaps when building a page look how it displays on cell and make adjustments.  You may want consider parallel website or a page for mobile and larger screen.

Take a look at my site or www.facialzen.com from desktop and cell.  The landing page will look similar, but they are not the same!

Message 16 of 16

Thanks for responding @bobafett! I know it won't look the same, but everything seems out to be out of line and doesn't make sense. You suggested:  "You may want consider parallel website or a page for mobile and larger screen" how do I go about doing this?

Message 16 of 16

@joff07:  This may sound bit harsh, but your choices are:

1. Re-arrange you website for a proper display on mobile (This might be your best option)

2. Hire some one like me to make parallel pages.

3. Learn how to do it your self.

4. Go with Wix....

Message 16 of 16

Try some different themes and see how your site looks. You can also use one of the old non-responsive themes that let you edit the mobile site independently.

Message 16 of 16

I'm having exactly the same problem - in fact last year when I built it, the website was identical on mobile as it was on desktop but now the website is adapting to its device, and looks bloody awful, flung all over the place because Weebly has 'done something' though they won't admit it. My site was essentially 'locked'and looked fine on mobile.
And, what;s the pojnt of showing you how awful your website will look on mobile if you can't then fix it on mobile? Ridiculous.

So: which are these old non-responsive themes?
Message 16 of 16

Did you change themes recently, @jdowns2010? While there were a few themes that were not responsive and were converted, this didn't happen automatically and would have required clicking a "use updated theme" button on the Theme tab.

It's usually a better idea to work with the responsiveness of a site than turn it off, since it will make the site easier to read for mobile visitors and avoid being penalized by Google for a non-mobile friendly site.

Where I usually see people have trouble is when they have content in two very tall columns. On mobile one column will stack on top of the other, so content which is meant to by side-by-side could be no longer near each other. The best solution is to limit what you have in a particular columns element.

So instead of doing this:

| Content A.   |  Related to A |
| Content B.   |  Related to B |
| Content C.   |  Related to C |

Do something like this:

| Content A.   |  Related to A |

| Content B.   |  Related to B |

| Content C.   |  Related to C |

Hopefully those make sense - it's meant to show everything in a single columns element vs content in separate columns elements.

Message 16 of 16

Thanks Adam,  I'll look at it but what has annoyed me is that this site worked perfectly well, laid out in a visually friendly format, not too much text, broken by images, buttons for action etc. When I checked on my tablet and phone a year ago it looked fine - identical to the version I had created, just smaller.  

Now I checked a new page I'd added using my laptop, and found the mobile site version had become basically the reverse: streams of text, then streams of images, random buttons piled on top of ach other and gigantic overlapping text titles, as if the designer had gone mad. When the average user spends less than ten seconds deciding whether to continue on a website, the mobile version of my site became actively toxic to my web traffic, rather than enhancing it

When I first created the site there was none of this problem at all. Then it changed. Why. Now it seems I have to do remedial work to fix a problem that seems to have been created by a new technological application.

I have fixed much of it by using the Column Lock app on the Weebly apps page (which I found out about only by another user on this forum, though he never explained where to find it). It then took a YouTube video to show me how to use it (honestly, putting instructions on your app page wouldnt hurt would it, Weebly). And it has at least locked my columns as I wish them to appear, enabling visitors to enlarge and zoom as they wish. Complex websites can't be 'designed according to a phone screen, where only an initial impression is required, to confim the URL perhaps, or that the person or service even exists, the user then to scroll quickly, nod at the quick meeting, say ýep, got it'and move on, to look at it later on his laptop or tablet perhaps.

But, generally what a lot of bother, thanks Weebly, or whoever.

Message 16 of 16

I'm surprised that it changed automatically since we usually try and avoid doing anything that would do that without you knowledge, but it's possible that there was a theme update at some point that fixed other issues but added that in.

One other app you might look at is the Hide app:


You can use that to control what content is shown on what size screens; it'll basically allow you to duplicate content on a page, and in one element have everything laid out how you want on large screens, then in the other app lay the content how you wan it to show on small screens (in this case you would avoid using columns and stack everything yourself).

Message 16 of 16

Thank you Adam, reading your post I answered to my doubt. 


Message 16 of 16

Hi @Adam  are there any threads or videos that give tips on how we can lay out our content on a laptop/desktop editor that makes it mobile friendly?


Message 16 of 16
Square Community Moderator

Hey @KHSeet!

Stepping in for Adam here. 

There are a ton of videos on Youtube for setting up Weebly sites I just googled and found.

I'd recommend starting there!

Ashley C
Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 16 of 16

Yes @ashleyc_ ,  but none is giving me the solution i want.

I want to make my icons with text (not captions, because the text is too small) nice and neat, but the mobile version look like crap with the text jumbled up.

How should I design it? 

www.tgifbazaars.com is my page.

Message 16 of 16

In my experience it all comes down to watching how you have your content in columns. If you have content in columns, we will stack each column on top of one another going from left to right. This will be all the content in one column, then the next, and so on. Sometimes you need to move content into its own separate columns element so that everything stacks in a way that make sense.

Message 16 of 16

Will try this out!

Thanks @Adam  !

Message 16 of 16

I had the same issues and was stressing a lot about it! i found two free apps one called "Column Lock" the other called "Hide" between these two apps I was able to adjust how my site looks on a mobile devices since it wasn't possible to edit the mobile version in Weebly's "build" 

The hide app allows me to customize what shows on a smaller screen since some items just don't look good on smaller screens no matter what you do. I was also having issues with my headline getting cut off on the mobile version (this stressed me the most) so I used this app to create a customized headline that shows better on small screens and a headline that shows on larger screens. Works perfectly! and solved my issues there Smiley Happy 

The lock column app allows me to keep certain items laid out side-by-side rather than stacking in a mobile version. 

For the most part, my site looks alright on a mobile device if the user turns their device horizontaly, but if they were viewing my site vertically then it wasnt good. so these apps fixed that for me! 

I hope this finds you well and anyone else experiencing the same problems! best of luck Smiley Happy

Message 17 of 16