
Weekly app on iPad is unreliable and therefore unusable

I'd love to use the Weebly iPad app to post to me blog or make site corrections. But I rarely, and I mean RARELY, do, because I don't trust it!

Here are the problems that create total lack of trust:

1. The banner pic I see on my blog page comes from the stock Weebly collection and it isn't the pic I carefully edited and formatted for my website. Why doesn't the Weebly app pick up on that and display the correct picture? I'm afraid if I post to the blog from the web app that I'm going to wipe out the correct pic that should be there and cause major problems I'll then have to solve - which I don't want to be solving.

2. Same problem when I go to the post editor except there it shows an old banner picture and not the new one I installed a year ago or so. Why can't the app pick up the correct imagery? And since it's not loading the correct imagery how can I trust it to not overwrite the desired and current pics with the undesired and not-current pics?

3. Doesn't make a difference where my connection to the Internet is with the Weebly iPad app, it's just plain SLOW!

Has anyone else run into these things, what's the workaround, and is Weebly doing anything about these sorts of issues?

Message 1 of 14

Hi, @Polishookm!

I'm so sorry to hear about these frustrations with the iPad app.

The image that you see in your editor will be the image you see when the blog or page is published. It sounds like this image is cached in your app. A force quit of the app might help with this. If you double-tap your home button, you should see the recent apps that you have used. Scroll until you see the Weebly app, and then slide it up to force close the app. Open it again, and let us know if the stock image is still stuck.

About the slowness of the app - the forced restart may also help this. Do you notice other apps or browsers being slow on your iPad? Are you always using a wifi connection? Is it always the same wifi connection?

Thanks, and enjoy your day!


Weebly Community Manager

Message 2 of 14

Hello Polishookm,

I work on the iOS team and wanted to shoot you a note. We are aware of and working on some header image issues, but these are display only. Changes or publishing your site won't change your header unless you change it within the app.

Regarding the speed, what device are you on? For what its worth, we're actively working on improving the speed of the app and trying to reduce the amount of data the application needs to function (which will help with the loading speeds as well).

Thanks for the feedback. Have a great day!


Message 3 of 14

I have the exact same problem, which means I can no longer update my website on my ipad - hugely frustrating.

I've tried deleting the app, switching off and restarting the ipad, then downloading Weebly afresh from the App Store, but when I open my site in the app, the stck images and old text pages are still there.

Can anyone help, please?

Message 14 of 14

Sorry to hear that, @The_Pantry. Try doing this:

1. Open the Settings app and tap General

2. Tap Storage and iCloud Usage

3. Tap Manage Storage under Storage (the top section)

4. Tap on the entry for Weebly then tap Delete App

I think when you're deleting the app the app's storage isn't being deleted, so it's still using the cache of what your site once looked like.

Message 14 of 14

Thanks. I tried deleting the app via the settings, as you suggested, then I turned off the ipad and rebooted it, but it's still not deleting the cache. When I go to the App Store to download the Weebly app again, it shows as an update, not a brand new download, and when I look at the site in it, I'm still getting the out-of-date version with stock pictures in the banner headings.

Message 14 of 14

That's pretty strange. What version of iOS do you have? If you go to Settings > General > Software Update it will tell you if you need to install an update, or display the current version (10.3.3 is the newest).

Message 14 of 14

Just checked - my software is up to date: it's iOS 10.3.3.

Message 14 of 14

That's really strange; normally deleting an app will remove any cache stored by the app. There are some apps in iTunes that say they will do that kind of thing manually, although I've never used one and wouldn't feel comfortable recommending one without trying it myself. What site are you trying to edit with the app that isn't updating?

Message 14 of 14

Message 14 of 14

Can you suggest anything, please?

Message 14 of 14

Our users have had a lot of success on our app using their iPads! What kind of problems are you having, @The_Pantry, some more details will help us troubleshoot it. Smiley Happy

Message 14 of 14

Hello. I'd been having a conversation about my ipad issues here - https://community.weebly.com/t5/Mobile-Apps/Weekly-app-on-iPad-is-unreliable-and-therefore-unusable/... - but it had stopped, so my comment was a hopeful prompt for more suggestions!


Message 14 of 14

I have the same problems. I use Weebly on an iMac with no problems for 3 different sites.

I have a new iPad on IOS 11.2.6 and downloaded the Weebly app 20 mins ago. I logged in and find on iPad the desktop view of the first page of the site has the Weebly B&W clock stock photo as banner heading, while on iMac the correct uploaded header photo (that has been there for 3 years already) is there.

The app is very reluctant to allow me to move to other pages in the navigation. It is as if it just doesn't recognise the touch on certain navigation items. Maybe it is just VERY slow - MUCH slower than the Mac on the same internet connection. I think it will never go to page 3 !! The banner heading photo, on all the other pages I have been able to see, shows also the stock B&W clock image, not the uploaded photo.

I have no confidence at all that what I see on the iPad is what will appear on the site. And no confidence that I can access all the pages of the site. And the slow speed makes this app completely unworkable. 

Message 15 of 14