
Linking an email back to my Weebly website

I'd like to archive (and have available to readers) my email campaigns on my website. I set up a blog page to do this. I can't link the email image to show up as a blog entry. I tried the SHARE button and captured the URL link, but that doesn't work as a link. I tried Viewing in Browser, and copying that URL, but that doesn't link....Is there a way to do this? I was hoping that it would be an easy connect between Promote and Weebly... thanks for any help or instructions.

Message 1 of 13

You know, what you might be able to do is actually use an image of your email, and then link that image to the View in Browser link. 

You may have to take a screenshot of your email to include the image. Learn how to take a screenshot here: www.take-a-screenshot.org

Sorry that this is a bit of a roundabout way to achieve what you want!


Weebly Community Manager

Message 2 of 13

Yes, I already did that -- problem is my email is a long scrolling piece, so I took 3 screenshots, put them together in Photoshop, saved as a high res image, but when I put it into the blog as an image on my webpage, it was too small, needed to be enlarged, and then it was way too blurry...got discouraged, and wrote to you guys.

The only other idea I have is to actually make the email as a jpg graphic image in Photoshop and put it into my Promote email, and then also put it into my Blog page, but I'd need to have links in the email outside of that, and I haven't had time to try that.

Disappointed this is so screwy—the reason I decided to go with Promote instead of CC, which I already know how to use, is because I believed there would be some synconicity with my Weebly websites....if ya'll can work on this, that would be great!



Message 3 of 13

We just released a Blog element for promote recently that could solve your problem.  If you make your email as a blog post first, you can then add that to your promote email by just dragging the blog element to your email draft in promote.  


If the bulk of the important information is in the blog post itself, you shouldn't have to worry about copying anything from the email back to the blog post.

Message 4 of 13

Well, I gotta tell ya, this is disappointing. I used the graphic from my original email (it's a tall jpg graphic that includes the entire email message, and it looked great in the original email) to create a blog. I re-sized it as much as possible so it would look good in the blog, but it got blurry, but not too bad, I could probably re-do the image at a higher rez, maybe.

But for this tes, I followed your directions and put the jpg into a blog on my Big oh! Balloons website.  I then created a Promote email, put the Blog element in it, and selected the Blog I wanted to email, and this is what it looked like in the email test I sent. Not good. Only the top 1/3 of the image shows up with a link to the web blog. Not very inviting, just not good. My original email was very nice looking...the Blog was OK looking, this email, not so much. It's not a solution that works for me. I want my email to be great and the blog to also look good. Any other fixes for this? Thanks,



Message 5 of 13

I was thinking rather than just putting one big image into a blog post, you would use text and image elements.  Maybe I should take a step back and get a better feel for what it is you're trying to do.

The gist is that you want to send a Promote email out, and you also want to have the same contents of the email available online, right?

Message 6 of 13

Adam -- yes, I just don't want to have to create a Promote email and re-create it into a blog. I want my email messages available (archived) on my web blogs...so I can easily refer folks back to recent email messages. I'm using Promote emails as updates/reminders for people who have been through my training, so it's like having key points and highlights from the training going back out.

Having to re-build the email in pieces on the blog would work, but if there's a way to capture/link the email in one piece that would be so much easier...whatcha think?
Message 7 of 13

Adam -- so re-building the email into a blog is not too bad to do, no worries. EXCEPT, I can't get the blog to publish...I click publish, it sez it's done, but it's not on my website when I refresh or re-open. Also, how can I delete the blog that I created when I was first working on this? thanks, Kristie
Message 8 of 13

@Kristie wrote:
Adam -- so re-building the email into a blog is not too bad to do, no worries. EXCEPT, I can't get the blog to publish...I click publish, it sez it's done, but it's not on my website when I refresh or re-open. Also, how can I delete the blog that I created when I was first working on this? thanks, Kristie

I think you have just enough items in your navigation that it's getting hidden behind the rest of your navigation. Try turning on the "More" option on the Settings tab for your navigation menu and re-publishing.

Message 9 of 13

Adam -- thanks for all your help. FYI, the blog is at http://www.coolspring.com/lol-by-charles--john and I've figured out how to make the blogs look good. The link to the blog is on the home page at the top. I'm still not sure how to remove the blog that I first published that didn't look right. I deleted the image, but an empty post is still there, dated December 31, 1969....any ideas?

Message 10 of 13

@Kristie wrote:

Adam -- thanks for all your help. FYI, the blog is at http://www.coolspring.com/lol-by-charles--john and I've figured out how to make the blogs look good. The link to the blog is on the home page at the top. I'm still not sure how to remove the blog that I first published that didn't look right. I deleted the image, but an empty post is still there, dated December 31, 1969....any ideas?

Not a problem! That's what we're here for. Smiley Happy

If you check your site in the editor, you'll see the "more" in link in your navigation, which has the blog page plus one other page in it.  I also removed that odd blog post with the weird date, so if everything looks good feel free to publish whenever you'd like.

Message 11 of 13

Hi Adam,

I want to do this as well and thought that it would automatically, well, easily happen.  I am sending a newsletter that I want to publish on my website as well.  For the moment I have copied and pasted my newsletter/email but the images don't transfer.  What do you suggest?  I want my blog posts to be separate from these newsletters.


Message 12 of 13

Hello Trisha! Just to be clear, you're looking to have the emails appear in the blog in specific, rather than simply through the existing links?

Message 13 of 13