
Has Anyone Hired Someone to do a Website Audit?

I've only recently heard that this was a thing. I can write all day but would love for someone to jump in and advice me on what changes can be made to increase my visibility. I'm currently seeking someone to do a site audit, but don't even know how I will know if I found someone reliable, or if their fee is inline with what they do?

Message 1 of 3

I haven't heard of a website audit. Is this for SEO purposes? 

Message 2 of 3

well to increase your visibility you should connect all the social media sites to your website, and the biggest thing with websites is errors. One really big error is the speed at which a website loads. There are a few players that will depict your websites visiblities whether it is seo or organic in nature. Google is the big one, Yahoo, bing, etc. using development tools to check your website for errors is very easy, go to your website and go to the upper right dots in edge and click on it, go to developer tools or just click F12, it will show you where there is errors in your website, you will need to correct all the errors, which is not too difficult. then sign up for google plus, and make a google page. Once you sign you register your business with google you can check your website with google analytics for more errors, to make sure that your website and business name dont go to the bottom of a search list.

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