
My google analytics don't work!


As the title says google analytics don't work. 

I copied the code from google and paste it in SEO section of the site plus in every page in footer.

I didn't got any real-time response.

Here is my site if you can help: http://www.impe-project.eu/

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@iasisit Analytics usually work, but you just have to make sure you follow the process.

Verify/authenticate your website by registering/logging in to https://search.google.com/search-console, and enetering the code option in the header of the "site settiings" (just once is enought). Save & publish

(That recognises you as the owner, and I didn't see it there, though the site has been indexed )

Also, register the xml sitemap, which is essential for your ranking if not already done

Link console with analytics account

(btw. you only need to enter the tracker once in the settings. Keeps individual pages separate for setting objectives using GA tracker variants)

GA works - never had a problem in setting up new sites though Google is now slower as it works on "mobile first" policy.

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Hello again,

I did all these you said and hopefully with no mistakes. But still can't get real time analytics.

I don't know what else to try! 

Any suggestions?

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