
Website hardly found on Google

A website I have released halfway december (https://www.praktijktrigger.nl/), still cannot be found via search on Google. Only entering 'praktijktrigger' without a space, gets a result. Any idea what's gogin on?

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@P_Trigger  getting on to GOOGLE is a long and slow process... dt expect over night results

Have u followed all the steps?   https://www.weebly.com/seo  

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I have several questions for you.

  1. What is your purpose for building a website?
  2. Do you see potential behind your craft?
  3. Why is it important to rank on Google?
  4. Why do you believe achieving top Google status will make a difference in your business, blog, or product(s)?

These may sound like no shhh questions, but you have to think about your worth each time you write and produce something someone haven't seen yet. In order to rank on Google, you will need to give your craft and niche some authentic attention. What is something you want only less than 5% should know? Is it juicy and important enough to publish it and let your words do the work?

I have been writing for 20 years, but 10 as a certified stay-at-home blogger (ha, you thought I'd throw parenting off in there). I have suffered using Weebly, WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Facebook Notes (between 2009 - 2013), MySpace, Bebo (hey, I'm not that old, just used to the old school internet), and GaiaOnline (shockingly I still have my account and gaining one million coins on your account isn't worth squat anymore). During this time, I learned it's okay to push mainstream crap, but hitting where it hurts and practicing social decentralizing tactics will produce effective views, followers, and potential subscribers.

Now, out of sheer boredom, I'm here, lurking the web how to perfect my craft. Rank on Google SEO crap your way whlie focusing on the little techy stuff people don't do until after they post their website or post. Keep in mind about the meta keywords, SEO titles and brief descriptions. Instead of repeating what you said in your post or website, come up with something that compliments it. When you go order food at a fast food joint, do you ask for the same main course twice or order something on the side that compliments it? It makes sense, even if it's crazy or not normal.

Try using meta keywords and mispell a couple. People can't spell properly on the WWW anyway, so help them out.

I hope this bantering helps you and future visitors. Have a nice day, stay positive.

PS: My article that landed on the low part of Google's first page is "How to explain quantum physics to a child". You can type it in the search engine and see it under several videos pulled from YouTube. Smiley Happy

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