
Store information will not save. Can not build a functioning store

I built a website and now want to build a store. I updgraded to the business plan and was ready to start building. I started with trying to get a SSL certificate. I filled out the information and was then asked to wait. I then proceeded to add three products and then tried to add categories. The categories would not save. I then tried to enter my store information, such as name and address. This would appear to save, but when returning to the page, the information would be gone. I tried several time to do this. I started a support ticket. I was told to clear my cashe and try again. Well, this did not work. I then called in to tech support and they started another ticket. Now it's been over a week since both tickets and I still do not have the functionality to build a store. I called in to the sales team today. I asked if Weebly's service included the ability to create a store. The answer was "Yes". I then asked if it worked, again "Yes". I then got the blow off answer of, "The issue you are having is an isolated one and the developers are working on it". This is the same thing I have been told a few times this past week. No one seems to be able to give me an answer of when this will be resolved. I have built multiple websites with other web building tools and services, and have never been pushed off like I have with Weebly. If this is an isolated case, why is it taking so long to resolve? If this is a system wide issue, there must be others experiencing the same thing. I am frustrated and have lost confidence in Weebly's ability to support the store function of their service. What would happen if I had issues like this and the store was actually live to the public? Would tech support be there then? I like the web building tools they provide, but now may have to start over with another service. Buyer beware. 

Message 1 of 6

Hi MO65,

I'm so sorry you're having these troubles in trying to launch the site! Some of it does sound like possible browser or internet connection issues, although you also mentioned opening up a support ticket which sounds like it's now linked to a known issue that we're going to notify you about when it's fixed. And some of those things do take time, we don't have an ETA when there is a bug to be fixed - we just work our hardest at fixing it so you can get back up and running. 

Our team takes your concerns very seriously, and are working at getting the matter resolved so you can get back to what you came to Weebly for - enjoying a great website that helps you sell to your customers. 

I'm sorry I don't have more specific information for you than what my team already provided on your call or your email, but I'll be happy to take a look and keep an eye on it to see how it's being addressed. 

Message 2 of 6

Here is the ticket number: 3290638

I have tried three different computers and three different internet connections. I have tried Safari, Chrome and FireFox. 

I just want this to work.


Message 3 of 6

Thanks for the info, Mike, and knowing the troubleshooting that has already taken place does help expedite matters immensely. You should have already heard from my senior support team by now, but either way, just know we are on top of things and will continue to be in touch!

Message 4 of 6

I still don't have a functioning web store. I still don't know if anyone is working on this. I all I get is "we will let you know when it is fixed". 

I talked to someone in sales Monday morning and requested to speak with a manager. I was told that someone would call me. It is now Wednesday and still not call. 

Not happy.


Message 5 of 6

Mike, I am sorry this issue is ongoing, and I really appreciate your patience as our developers try to fix this. I have a manager reaching out to you via your ticket - if it's not already in your inbox by the time you've read this, it should be momentarily. 


I apologize that you have still been waiting. We always strive to properly address these issues as they come up, and we will get this resolved for you!

Message 6 of 6