
Where did I miss the limited number of items you can sell?

I don't recall seeing anywhere that there is a limit to how many items you can sell on your website, this seems such a con when you have to pay additionally.  It has let me keep adding items with no warning that these would not be for sale.  I only discovered when going into the site editor to reorder.  I am an artist so have many single items for sale and Weebly seem to keep finding new ways you make us pay for things as we progress.  I have invested a huge amount of time in building my website so can not change, but I certainly will actively discourage other artists I know from following this path.

Can you at least advise how I can choose which of the 25 can be marked as for sale? Or do I need to remove them from the items list? Thanks

Message 1 of 3

Hi @hholl. You'll need to delete items until you have only 25; that's the only way to ensure that those 25 items are available on your website.

Message 3 of 3

I'm in the exact same boat.  Very frustrating.  You should AT THE VERY LEAST be able to decide what your first 25 items are.  I've added gift cards for courses and now cannot even sell those (which would go for the first listed items) for people to apply.  That's also horrible that you have to build all these items, just to delete items in order to sell your desired 25.  Why make things unavailable or hidden when that doesn't do any good towards your 25!  I don't want to invest more money in more than 25 items until I see that the site is building the revenue to make that worth it.  Very disappointed.  

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