

There are a multitude of issues happening for a number of Weebly customers, but once again we are either left to flood the support folks or try to find answers here by pouring through thread after thread.  Having a separate section for bugs/issues may be a huge help.  OR if we could scroll though the entire list of subjects posted to the ecommerce section it would help.

As of this moment, I have an app that is no longer displaying the feedback my clients have left on my site, emails are blank or standard (making it appear as though any customization we have already done was for nothing), and some of us can't even receive test emails at this point in time.

I know there are a lot of things being worked on, etc. and some things can't be revealed.  I get it.  What I don't get is the lack of information and straight-forward answers.  Some people are paying $300/year and have no control over their site and no idea what is going on.  You do not need a degree in quantum physics to realize this is NOT good for Weebly.  I have been holding off listing items in my shop for at least three months in hopes that the eCommerce gets straightened out.  THREE MONTHS!  While Weebly already has their $$, I am left holding the bag for them to get it together. 

I want to know what the issue is with the e-mails.  Where did they go and can we get them back, or was all of the work we did customizing them in the first place a waste of time?  I want to know why the emails are more important than the actual shipping options or other numerous suggestions that have been made regarding SKU numbers on packing slips, coupons, etc.

If I seem rude or abrupt, I truly don't mean to.  I am extremely frustrated at this point and would love to get some straight-forward answers.  I am tired of not having control of my site.

Message 1 of 18

I'm in complete agreement. We just started using Weebly this year and overall have been (had been) very happy. I like the site, I think it looks good and is easy to use.
BUT, they've been pushing out updates with major bugs. I like updates, I think they're great. But not when they break existing things.
Why aren't things being tested before pushed out?
Once again, I can't get a download of my orders. I am deeply sad.
Message 2 of 18

Sorry to hear about your frustration, . The contents of your emails is fine, and the issue is only related to the actual sending of the emails.  Our engineers have been working on that and I expect it'll be resolved soon.  Can you try sending a test email now to yourself? Let me know if you get it, and what the contents look like.

Message 3 of 18

@Adam   I just tried sending another email and still nothing. 

What about the rest of the issues?  I worked my butt off on this website and it is tanking right in front of my face and there isn't a darn thing I can do about it.  I am tired of jumping through hoops and trying to control something that only ends up messed up again.  I just want things to be fixed. 

Message 4 of 18

Ok, it's possible the fixes haven't been made live just yet.  Just so I'm understanding the other issue correctly, is it all your store emails that were missing some content, or specific ones? Which content was missing?

Message 5 of 18

I understand you guys are trying to buy time , we know ther is nothing you can do but keep us calm while we wait for your engineeer to fix things

Message 6 of 18


Adam, you say that content of emails is fine. But it is not. My shop emails were set up before changes and listed shipping times and other important things. Now it's all wiped out. Why all content was deleted? My emails are totally blank and I had to type a new text. But even this text is not visible on test emails.

Message 7 of 18


And if it is happening now, what is to prevent it from happening again down the road?  (Kind of like the issue with our products rearranging themselves.)  I can see the emails in the settings part of my shop, but once again, I still can't even get a test email sent!


You mentioned them 'buying time until the engineers fix things.'  If they wouldn't be dropping live code to the

eCommerce platform, they wouldn't  have anything to 'fix'. 


If there is group of Beta testers, why is this live code being dropped?  I'm honestly beginning to wonder if you folks hired some

former Etsy devs, as that is exactly what Etsy does!  And why solicit feedback from Beta group when you don't respond?

(Obviously not YOU, but Weebly.)

Inquiring minds...

Message 8 of 18

@JustImagine wrote:


Adam, you say that content of emails is fine. But it is not. My shop emails were set up before changes and listed shipping times and other important things. Now it's all wiped out. Why all content was deleted? My emails are totally blank and I had to type a new text. But even this text is not visible on test emails.

It's missing for you in the editor, too? Smiley Sad Are you logging into the beta or just www.weebly.com?

Message 9 of 18

@Adam, yes, all my store emails templates were blank in my editor after the change has been made to ecommerce. I entered new text since then and text sticks, but I don't see my text on test emails.

I am not using beta, I log in with regular weebly.com

Thank you!

Message 10 of 18


Just in case, check your email address on your "new" store profile (when you go to "setup", on top)

On mine, the email address was old, the one I wasn't using any more and I have changed it everywhere on my site to the current one. But after the ecommerce change, store email reversed to the old one. So all test emails would go there if I haven't notice that.

Message 11 of 18

@JustImagine wrote:

On mine, the email address was old, the one I wasn't using any more and I have changed it everywhere on my site to the current one. But after the ecommerce change, store email reversed to the old one. So all test emails would go there if I haven't notice that.

Thanks for noticing that! I tested in my own test site and received the emails, myself.

Message 12 of 18


The email address is correct, but thanks for noticing that.  I didn't even know they changed all of the settings around!  Oy...

Message 13 of 18

@JustImagine wrote:

@Adam, yes, all my store emails templates were blank in my editor after the change has been made to ecommerce. I entered new text since then and text sticks, but I don't see my text on test emails.

I am not using beta, I log in with regular weebly.com

Thank you!

Does this happen with each email, or only a specific one? I was testing with the order confirmation test adding/editing some text elements and those showed on the test emails for me.

Message 14 of 18


Nothing -- none of them come through, and yes, the email address is correct.

Message 15 of 18

I have spent 2 full days on this.... since the update I have not received any money shipping/handling fees as I still had my shipping table on paypal...no warning, no notice just this little update link that has crippled my business.  just hung up with weebly now I can no longer use shipstation unless I want to manually enter my orders!!! SERIOUSLY? THey just keep pushing shippo on me.  Nothing againts shippo but why do I not get to choose how to run my business anymore???  and seriously no warning or notice?! I havent been able to work for 3 days and I still have no where to ship from as paypal nor shipstation have any item information.  I never dreamt this would happen.  so sad to have all of your hard work crushed.  I have spent hours updating warhouse location on all of my product items in shipstation and they tell me to not use them anymore?  what is going on????

Message 16 of 18

I'm totally agree with you, Heirloom. The only reason why I stay with Weebly is that I've already customized my website and I don't really have time for making a new brand one. I wrote a post myself, and I haven't received a decent answer so far.
Message 17 of 18

@Bingo  Same here!  I have already discarded the e-commerce portion of Weebly and will be re-opening with a new one next month.  I keep the site here because I don't want to loose the 2 years worth of work I've got into it, so I completely understand!

Message 18 of 18