
Enable tips by device



Is there a way to enable or disable tips by device? We have two iPads: one for a retail shop and one for a bar operation. We use square on each, but only want to accept tips on the bar iPad. Both of these iPads are recognized in Square as two different devices, as we can run device-specific reports. However, it seems if we enable or disable tips on one device, the setting gets automatically applied to the other device.


The devices staying in sync like this is generally nice, but not for tips in this case.


These are in the same physical location and run by the same entity, so we only have 1 bank account / address and thus only one location setup in Square.


Is there a way to disable tips on one device and leave them on for the other?



Message 1 of 5

Hello @OZTD


If you're using device codes and you have a different location for each device you should be able to set (and keep) different tipping settings on each device. 


I recommend going through these troubleshooting steps for the app on both devices before trying to adjust your tipping settings again. If you're still unable to disable tipping on one device and leave it enabled on another, please contact our Support team so we can take a closer look for you! 


️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

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Message 2 of 5


This does not seem to work. I’ve got two ipads, each with their own device code. I’ve signed out and back into each devices Square POS app, using the device codes to confirm. Still, changing the Tipping setting on one device will cause the other device to change as well.
I even created a new device code for each of the ipads and logged out/back in using the new codes. Same result: changing tipping on/off on one device causes the other device to mirror the change (sometimes it takes about 5 minutes, but the settings always revert).
I’ve force quit both apps after each setting change as well, but no difference. These setting changes are also occurring with both devices connected to the internet.
Any other ideas or steps to troubleshoot here?
Message 3 of 5
Super Seller Alumni

If the device codes are for the same location/store then what you do on one will reflect on the other.  A lot of functions are set more by store than device.  Some things like cash management is set by device.

Message 4 of 5

I see. So you must use a new location and a different device code for different devices to have different settings?


I think that part was not very clear from the setup instructions. But adding a new location has seemed to fix the issue.


So to have two devices use different settings, you must have each device assigned to a different location in addition to different device codes.



Message 5 of 5