
Transaction Report or Click on Summary to see details?

I would like to set up custom reports so that my employees (each set up as a Category with multiple items) can see the detail of their sales each day. I know how to do a Category sales report and filter/display by, but what I don't understand is why there is not the ability to click on the total to see the details behind that number?!? Obviously, the report has pulled those numbers so it seems to me, it would be pretty easy to add that? (I know, I know if it were easy....) However, I'm certain that everyone at some point has looked at an amount on a report and wondered where it came from. 


Am I (hopefully!) missing a workaround? You can download a report from the transaction tab, so again, I'm confused why we can't see this on the dashboard or in the app? 


I would have uploaded screenshots of what I'm wanting, but, well, I didn't understand your system on that 😉




Message 1 of 3

Hey @ablairsmith, I would love to dig deeper into this so I can try and find a solution that works for you. 


So I can have a little more background, are you looking for a breakdown of the item each employee sold? 


I think there might be one report that fits the bill if this is the case. From your Square Dashboard select the Sales tab. Then Transactions at the top of the screen. Click the Export button in the top right and select Transactions CSV. 


Please let me know if this helps! I'll keep an eye out for your reply. 😀


Message 2 of 3

Sorry.....I missed your reply until now (since I guess the notification was sent to my "authorized" location instead of me, but that's a different topic).....


I know that you can download a csv file to see those details, but I don't want my employees to have to do that....I would end up with thousands of downloaded reports on each of our computers....I really just think that you should be able to click on a total amount that would open a list of transactions....


Thanks again.

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