
Free Live Chat for website owners!

If your not already using Live Chat on your small business and ecomorrence site you should. Smiley Happy I get a least 2 extra sales a week from having Live Chat to my site. Check out https://www.tawk.to/ and sign up for free. They have more features then many paid Live Chat Servies! For more proof...

imageScreenShot of Windows App Smiley Happy

Message 1 of 26

Live chat is absolutely a great addition to an eCommerce site! There are also a few different chat options that you can find out App Center:


It's worth checking them out to see which one works best for you.

Message 2 of 26

Yeah, but they are both paid options and the don't compare to tawk.to. Smiley Sad Trust me I have used them all over the years in the IT\IS field. Takes all of two 2 minutes to add the html code that tawk.to gives a person using the html box on a Weebly site. Plus I'm sure your not just saying that because Weebly receives a kickback? Small business owners are not made of money and it does not take long to drop 1k on paid subscriptions every year. Tawk.to is free and it will serve 99% of most eveyones needs.

Message 3 of 26

I use Tawk.to as well and it's great. I respect Weebly's attempt at adding a chat app, but it doesn't compare to Tawk.to and it costs money. 

Message 4 of 26

Hi i need help signing up to your pro package and chaining from go daddy. I must say i am broad of trying to get hold of you the number dose not work. I need to get a response soon. I have sent two contact forms now with no response and yes i have checked my junk mail.

Message 5 of 26

Hi @colleen, looks like you opened a ticket and have already been helped? Message me if you have any more questions!

Message 6 of 26


I am the owner of the website www.persianlang.com. Unfortunately, my domain has been expired while I was on long summer holiday. my google app on the website has been successfully renewed and I have the receipt of it. 
I tried to renew my domain automatically but it didn't work and I've got a message that i need to be in contact with you. it would be highly appreciated if you help me to renew my domain on weebly. 
Parvaneh Ghanizadeh
Message 7 of 26

@Persianlang, I've emailed you instructions. Be sure to email me back the info I requested!

Message 8 of 26

are you able to send me instructions on how i can obtain my domain after expiry period

Message 9 of 26

rathat-1, if it's within 30 days, you should be able to just renew and/or extend it. If it's beyond that, you have to pay a hefty fee to
get it out of redemption, until about the 75 day mark. Then you would just purchase it from the registrar of your choice, assuming
someone else hasn't already beat you to reserving it first.
Message 10 of 26

Whilst I don't need it on my site, this sounds like an excellent app.

Message 11 of 26

It is very awesome! Even if you think you don't need it I recommend putting it on anyway, if nothing else for the ability to track where people are going in real time (analyical value). Everyone that sells a product\service can benefit from Live Chat in someway.

Message 12 of 26

@useyourbrain Thank you so much for telling the community about tawk.to! It was exactly what I was looking for! I tried a couple of the chat apps through weebly and both were hard to navigate and pricey for pretty trivial features and one called "Live Chat" spammed the bejeezus out of me after I was done with them. I had to unscubscribe to 6 different emails over and over again being sent from different live chat represenatives. I won't be surprised if I see even more spam from "live chat". I was really surprised at the heavy handed marketing they were using even after unsubscribing, does that kind of guerilla style marketing ever even work? I think it makes most potential customers angry and it is in poor taste for LiveChat to keep pestering people that are not interested. Anyway, there is my user beware story about the "live chat" app.

Tawk.to on the otherhand, is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing about them here, because I would have never known about them otherwise. 

Message 13 of 26

No worries I'm for the people like Bernie! That is why I don't hang around much in "certain companies owned" forums, in their efforts to make a buck they just can't seem to figure out why talented smart people don't want to drink their Kool-Aid. Maybe someday they will wake-up and realize you don't have to be a shill for your company and that opinons are like...and more than one company can play in the sandbox TOGETHER!

Message 14 of 26

@useyourbrain This is wonderful. I agee, as I incorporate all of the extra features into my budget I am looking at nearly 50+ bucks a month for marketing/hosting. I purchased the business package, for one year I had to pay all up front because that is how it is set up. Now I have to create an email list so I can market my brand: Promote, mailchimp, etc: $10.00 a month. Google Apps, for creating a unique email: $45.00 a year. In next I was going to puchase the ChatApp. You saved me money already. In return I would like to introduce you to some great platforms. 

Etsy App: free sales platform to market products, LetITGO App: free sales platform, Close5App: free sales platform. And some wonderful ways to follow you content management on Twitter, if you have a twitter account: Tweepsmap.com

I wish you and your business success, as well as everyone doing positive things for survival. 



Message 15 of 26

Well that is peanuts my friend in the grand scheme of things. Back in the day when I owned a Sprint Store and 45.00 did not even pay any of my bills, lol. Look at it as the cost of doing business and how much just rent alone would cost at a store front. Hell you can't even keep the lights on for that much. Glad I was able to save you money. I would gladly pay 20.00\month for Tawk.to because it would have (for me) made the yearly cost up within a week! Cheers Smiley Happy

Message 16 of 26

If you are willing to learn a little old text editing, I would check out http://www.trafficwave.net/. I have a big email list and I hate the way most email marketing platforms nickle & dime their customers. Emails take up very little bandwidth and most customers don't send more then a couple of newsletters every week. That said I do like how Weebly makes it very easy for someone to get started in email marketing and they do provide a good value. Also you can't put a price on support when you need it. So I tell people whenever I make recomendations it is a tradeoff. If your on the Weebly platform it is probably due to ease-of-use, so if your a newb it would probably be in your best interest to stay with what you know and use their email marketing platform called Promote. Honestly, if Weebly was a little more generous with Recipient / Email pricepoints I might use them in the future. JMHO

Message 17 of 26

Got another spam email from "LiveChat" today.

Message 18 of 26

Ok I created an account on tawk.to now what do I do?  I have a free acct with weebly.  I need to know how exactly to add it to my pages, an image to click as an option?

Message 19 of 26


Use the <embed code> tool on the weebly site editor, drag and drop it on all pages you want to implement code then paste the code generated into tawk.to into that element on every page where you want the chat window to appear on your site (it will appear at the bottom right corner regardless of wherever you may drag and drop the embed code element on your page via the site editor)

Message 20 of 26

I Got it!!  Now playing with all the triggers & widget settings!  I embedded it in my footer under "SEO" under advanced I think...so it's on every page.  Thanks so much!

Message 21 of 26