
Database use

I understand Weebly dopes not handle database functions except if a database is external. If so, how do you set up a database externally to be accessed by my site?

Message 1 of 10

We don't support serverside scripting (such as PHP), so in all likelyhood you'd also need to host scripting like that elsewhere along with your database.  It's fairly complicated stuff to integrate a external databases and scripts with a Weebly site that we can't really provide support for, unfortunately.

If any of our Community members have done something similar they might be able to comment more on it, though.

Message 2 of 10

While it's not a "database" per se, I have integrated Google Sheets content into several sites I've done using sheetsee.js. It's a bit of Javascript that allows you to pull content from a Google Sheet into an HTML template that you define and style. Depending on the level of functionality you need for your "dynamic" content, this might serve your needs.

Association of Design Education

  • The content for the mini-calendar (Upcoming Classes at lower-right) and expanded Class Schedule listings come from a Google Sheet.
  • The content for the member directory comes from a Google sheet.
  • The content for the On-Demand Webinars page comes from a Google Sheet. This includes a URL parameter on the button that feeds the webinar title to the JotForm form.

It's extremely easy for my client to update the sheets without intervention from me. Large volumes of content can be easily presented and formatted with simple HTML templates and CSS.

Monroe Farmers Market

  • The content for the vendor list comes from a Google Sheet.
  • The content for the sponsor list comes from a Google Sheet.

I'm able to quickly and easily keep these lists up-to-date without having to open Weebly.

There are some caveats:

  1. No relational database connections.
  2. No rich text.

However, this solution fits well for a lot of situations and I bet you could find even more ways to make it useful.

For someone who's not a developer, this was a very easy way to get large amounts of content displayed on a site with relatively little "pain".

You can add the tabletop.js and sheetsee.js scripts to your site's assets and link to the jquery library in an href. The on-page script code that includes the HTML template(s) and any inline CSS styling go in a custom code block in your page. I prefer to write .less and include that in my sites assets so that the CSS is centralized and updated/maintained more easily.

Message 3 of 10

Nice solution - thanks for sharing, @KeithC!

Message 4 of 10

@KeithC Thanks for sharing!

While trying to integrate sheetsee.js into a friend's site, I was running into an issue where everything inside {{#rows}}...{{/rows}} was not being rendered. For anyone who may come across this issue, it's important to put your sheetsee template code inside an embedded code block in Weebly's builder, not directly inside the header type html file... if you do the latter, Weebly will overwrite the mustache content inside the sheetsee template, and you will be left scratching your head.. This may be obvious to some but probably not to the Weebly newbies out there (myself included Smiley Happy).

Message 6 of 10

Thanks, KeithC, for taking the time to make people aware of this option.

I was wondering if you could direct me to any useful information regarding the process.

I am hoping to acheive something similar to your mini calendar, ie a small graphic with a number in it attached to each image in a gallery, with said number being gleaned from the database/google sheet.

Any hints, tips, checklists, or references I can be directed to would be greatly appreciated!

Message 7 of 10

Hi, I'm German Escobar from Align Clinic I started to work with his Weebly home page, I don't have enough experience with, I'm looking for a not complex solution to show on a map around maybe 25 o 30 location.  Do you recommend a solution like you propose in this post? Do you a little bit more documentation about it?,  Can I get it? I'll appreciate so much your collaboration. My email address is gescobar@align-clinic.com. Thanks a lot for your time.

@KeithC wrote:

While it's not a "database" per se, I have integrated Google Sheets content into several sites I've done using sheetsee.js. It's a bit of Javascript that allows you to pull content from a Google Sheet into an HTML template that you define and style. Depending on the level of functionality you need for your "dynamic" content, this might serve your needs.

Association of Design Education

  • The content for the mini-calendar (Upcoming Classes at lower-right) and expanded Class Schedule listings come from a Google Sheet.
  • The content for the member directory comes from a Google sheet.
  • The content for the On-Demand Webinars page comes from a Google Sheet. This includes a URL parameter on the button that feeds the webinar title to the JotForm form.

It's extremely easy for my client to update the sheets without intervention from me. Large volumes of content can be easily presented and formatted with simple HTML templates and CSS.

Monroe Farmers Market

  • The content for the vendor list comes from a Google Sheet.
  • The content for the sponsor list comes from a Google Sheet.

I'm able to quickly and easily keep these lists up-to-date without having to open Weebly.

There are some caveats:

  1. No relational database connections.
  2. No rich text.

However, this solution fits well for a lot of situations and I bet you could find even more ways to make it useful.

For someone who's not a developer, this was a very easy way to get large amounts of content displayed on a site with relatively little "pain".

You can add the tabletop.js and sheetsee.js scripts to your site's assets and link to the jquery library in an href. The on-page script code that includes the HTML template(s) and any inline CSS styling go in a custom code block in your page. I prefer to write .less and include that in my sites assets so that the CSS is centralized and updated/maintained more easily.

Message 9 of 10

Visit http://jlord.us/sheetsee.js/. There's documentation for how to use it on their website.

Message 9 of 10

Hi, So if you created a site on weebly. There is no thing such database? Because I want to backup files and database on my weebly sites. Currently I already backup the files. Thanks
Message 10 of 10


I use Caspio and I would recommend you try the Free version first.  It allows for you to create an account and develop the code that can be copied into Weebly.  I use it for an HOA Board for Member listings and other information.  

Just some thought on the subject.


Message 11 of 10