
only one of three blog pages can do a blog post from a mobile phone

I have three blog pages: Home, Recordings, Events in that order on the menu. 

When I go to my mobile app, they show up in this order Events, Home, Recording. 

If I post a blog post to Events, it gives me the date as the title and my message is displayed.

When I post to Home and Recording, the blog post only has the date. All the text content is missing.

1) Most of the posts go to Home. So if I can only do one, I want it to be home.Can I re-order which one works?

2) better yet, I'd like all three to work from the mobile device.

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Thinking they were in alphabetic order, I changed Events to Upcoming events. It now displays Home first! 

However it is not in alphabetic order any more, it goes Home, Upcoming Events, and then Recordings.

I'd still like to be able to do all 3 blogs from the phone, but at least the most important one works. 

P.S. I'm using Android. However the person who will do most of the post will be using an I-Pad or I-phone. I have not gotten together with her to see how it works for her - yet. 

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After changing Events to Upcoming Events then Home worked. I then realized all three work. I tried one more test. I renamed them back to Home, Recording, Events and they don't work again.

So I renamed Home to Blog and they are in this order on the menu: Blog Recordings Events. All three worked!

I'm not sure what is going on, but I can live with Home being called Blog. Hope my customer can live with one of the two ways I got it to work.


When it works, clicking new post gives you a title field. You click on that, and it asks you if you want to edit or delete. Selecting Edit allows you to type in a title. For the body field, you drag text or title in and similarly, you need to select the element, select Edit then type in your words.

When it doesn't work, there is no title field. There is a body field and you can drag text or title in, and type / paste things in, but it doesn't require you to select edit first. 

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Thanks for posting what you've found out, @HyperboreaSimul. I believe there is an issue with the Android app that can causes what you saw where the content wouldn't post, so that should hopefully be fixed soon.

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