
SEO - Best Results For The Time You Spend

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you're key word string is a waste of time . People who think keyword lists are still vital are people too lazy to do homework when the old tricks, must still work, at least in some capacity. Let me remind you were talking about the same generation that was raised by the Vietnam activists and Woodstock Survivors... ya that seems accurate enough.

Seriously you're not going to get very far with keywords anymore, save for the little search engines that I've never personally seen anyone use. I know a lot of people have trouble getting past the whole, "key words haven't been helpful for a while now," thing so this will help you understand why, the many ways they've been abused, and the measure that are taken currently to help search engines stay accurate in a world of spam, scams and false advertising. That is a well written (sans-technical jargon) step through of abused uses of elements and the counter measures employed by search engines. As someone that works around the it often, I enjoyed and it.

If I may point you in a direction that will be of greater value, Focus and using an H1 with a title attribute.

<h1>I'm a title entitled to title titles!</h1>

 H1 tags are one thing being stressed in the world of SEO at the moment and it makes a certain sense when you look at the proper use of them. They aren't as much of a heading as they are a title so they should only be used once on a page. After that H2-H6 are applied. This makes H1 unique to each page for the most part.

Your Links (content) are also important. Linking off-site can be helpful as you benefit from being a source to other relevant information which tends to be a bit easier than writing everything yourself. Don't over use this or you'll just be directing all your traffic away but linking also helps to add credibility as you're showing that the information you talk about is in practice and functional.

Links (Attributes) W3schools

<image src="" Alt="I need more attention!" /> - This literally speaks for itself. A picture is worth a thousand words and this is your shot to pic the ones relevant to your image and thus your content. "web" is only one way google and other's sort sites, having your images show up on the front page of a generic search term is definitely a win worth some effort also, description matching you site content is a great way to tell search engines what youre focused on. Also this is inice because if the image doesn't load, the user still sees that something was supposed to be there witch is supposed to help the user feel less off-balance that just a missing blank spot @JeffandMandy Thank you, a comment you made a while a go reminded me to include this.

The Meta Description tage is also important at this point. Be clear, be consise, write for each page, and be honest. Thats the best advice I have for this tage. This is what shows up in link previews over the screenshot.

Google has a lot of SEO stuff to go through on there Webmasters and Analytics page. It's worth a trip over there and setting it up and getting the crawlers to take a quick skitter over your site. I was surprised on my last project when I started the SEO stuff and I did that. My IM links changed almost immediately from blue text to previews and there they were! My beautiful comedic and completely irrelevant met descriptions placed boldly across them (it was a for fun project so I could be random). It was really cool to see SEO results that quickly. Most recently I've been seeing results from Tag Manager with I think some aid from Search Console. Admittedly I was a bit late to the game on Optimize so I doubt I'll be getting into that beta despite my efforts. Honestly I thought it seemed a bit excessive but I'm hearing good things.

I would like to clarify something. When I say keywords are obsolete it doesn't mean you should forget about them (here's an interesting theory on alternative use of keywords). To this day I still pop in the meta tag for indexing. But Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Ask, etc. They are all pretty good at separating your content from crap that marketing wants them to think is content. Your body text is where you want those dirty, soft, manuer coated keywords planted for the search engine crawlers to find. One great tip for find the best keywords is to jump over to reddit communities and find a topic about the kind of products you sell/write about. They'll talk about all the latest gear and you can mine the gold out of it and replace things in your current content.

I hope this has been helpful to some. To those it didn't help, please leave me a comment with anything that I missed or didn't go in depth far enough to cover. I will be happy to help and then include it in a follow up "best practices" post

About me

(ya why are you listening to me, just last week I was babbling incoherently chasing garbage trucks)

Message 1 of 10

Thanks for the SEO insight!

(But also... more details on these garbage trucks, please?) Man Surprised

Message 2 of 10

Lol my apologies if you or someone close is in the waste management profession as a primary or side business. I had a dissociative lapse and my secondary personality was kanine. Between those garbage trucks and the moon, neighbors made some interesting noise complaints.

Thankfully it was temporary. small head injury due to a box with an older and extremely heavy JavaScript website fell on me at work.

If you like this nonsensicle response, there's more where it came from as well as more to come in my latest (and primary) blog on the AngelXAces website in the #CW marbles (you'll get it once you're there)

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In all my time as a Community mod, this thread is the best thing that has ever happened.

Message 2 of 10

Lol, this is just having fun, I'm in college and you should see some of the ridiculous assignments I hand in. I always have professors talk to me about an assignment the first week of a quarter because they read my work and they instantly want to give me an F for not taking it remotely seriously. But when they compare it to the criteria, I score really high because I still manage to hit every criterion as instructed like the world's worst olympic slalom skier wearing a camelback full of beer down the slop and walking away with a gold due to a technicality.

lol In high school we had a 200 question math final. We could pick any questions that we wanted to answer but we had to answer 100 total. Any more were extra credit. I suck at financial math, statistics on the other hand... My teacher calls my mom after school "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOUR SON JUST DID!" I answered about 90 questions straight starting from the first (I need more time on tests, learning disability). I was at least over the failing line, maybe ~70% in correct answers, and with one min left in the exam... C, all the way to 200 baby! And he had to give it to me because he always taught us, "The winner is the person who plays by the rules the best."

He said, anything after 100 is extra credit so...A,B,C,D make up the array of possibilities in my answer variable. So by picking one at random per question, I'll miss everything. So my answering paradigm can't be a variable as well, it has to be a constant. C, according to statistical data examining multiple choice tests, is most commonly where the correct answer is placed (so I hear, never looked into that one). So C is the answer that statistically should get me the best score. don't ask me to give you correct change, I'll botch that. 
Message 2 of 10

Nice write up. If only there were an easier way to use H1-H6 properly in Weebly without using a 3rd party app.

Thankfully, Alt text for images are provided (albeit... not for the logo image....). The Title Attribute would be a great next step.
Message 2 of 10

I know there is, or at least was someone that is working on a free h1-h6 app for the App Center. It had been released but prematurely I'm afraid. It had some issues playing with other apps in the editor. In the mean time, the drag & drop functionality between the Title app and the Embed Code app are very similar and affords you the freedom of adding your own class and/or ID without going 12  rounds with  an app-defined H# tag that pulls something like this on you:

h1.f-you {
/* Real men don't just wear hot pink, they write in it! */
color: #ff69b4 !important;

<h1 class="f-you your-class">This one gets obnoxious...</h1>

...Especially when the style for their css gets printed straight to the head of the page and you're stuck
in the external css sheet as a proper coder should be. The only way this gets worse is if they inlined it
into the tag itself but lets face it, you may go your entire life without ever having a functional use for
that particular pink in a headline. but the only place you should put the:

.your-class {
/* BLACK is the new black */
color: #000000;

// I like the attitude too, you to tell 'em!

 But you know where this leads. Even if you put !important in first the inline !important gets first priority so you're stuck with your thumbs in a dark hole because AngelXAces is a Code-Nazi and will do terrible things to teddy bears if  they catch someone writing inline CSS before exhausting all other avenues.

In the end, since an H1 should appear no more AND no less than once per page  it's in your best interest to write it in using the Embed Code app even if a usable H# app does emerge. Sure, nothings stopping them from carpet-bombing the entire h1 field:

h1 { color: #ff69b4 !important; /* I said PINK &$^# it! */ }

// Yeah, tell me about it. You got a mouthy one on your hands. No mama cracks, you're better than that. I on the other hand...

But stick to Clean Code and you'll thank yourself for it later during the website's mid-life-crisis overhaul that inevitably comes about where EVERY shortcut you took comes back to byte you. Even that class you made because the name was funny and the hex code was dark brown.

Now, we can't leave this mouthy SoB around to antagonize the rest of Weebly, we have a duty... Any thoughts on how how to jam a rocket in HIS, "thumb hole?"

We get creative with the CSS selector:
(the .parts-after-the-period #or-hash-tag)

First they took h1.f-you  making it difficult to affect that single h1. Then they just blanket-styled the whole tag and with an inline style no less. (I don't know, maybe they did use LESS, that's not the point). 

But you added a class of your own remember? Shall we return the their f-you back to sender? We shall!
h1.f-you .your-class { 

color: #ff69b5 !important;
/* You know AngelXAces, the pink isn't so bad, just needed a tweak is all */

//I've known you for how many years now and I still fear you may leave this earth without understanding the principal  at stake here, upon which you have totally vacated the thumb hole.  at least you put the unneeded !importan in so they can't use it. Smart thinking but um, you know what, nevermind...

Thank you for indulging me if you got this far. Sometimes I get carried away when I write. I try to use humor and solid content to make it at least bearable that only works so much. I'm very happy the above  has been helpful as it took a while after meticulous fact checking to make sure everything said is up to the latest standards. Oh ya, almost forgot:

In a world without Batman, the battle of Good & Evil sill remains. Never panic,  use the Clean-Code Arsenal!
*giggle* I just said arse!


//If h1.f-you your-class fails which has happened, Psuedo-Elements are the way to go. I'm a remorseless dev
and when this happens, I go straight for the kids, nth-child(); but some people blame the parents,
but that's hard to do in this situation. Sometimes the only way to the parent is through the child.

Message 2 of 10

Thanks so much for the information... from a former Vietnam activist and Woodstock survivor. 

Message 2 of 10

From the Grandson of a Vietnam Combat Veteran, Thank you for your service. Smiley Happy

I say combat vet not to suggest his contribution was greater than another's; but only to say that the stories, what few he'd share after a few bourbons, were probably a little too graphic for my age at the time. But it made my appreciation for those who serve much more genuine than I think it ever would have been if he never shared them.

Message 2 of 10

This is Valuable information about The best result For The Time You Spent. Looking forward to seeing your notes posted. I loved the way you discuss the topic for me. The post is explained clearly so that we are able to understand it clearly.  I’m truly grateful and really impressed.  Absolutely this article is incredible. It gives us lots of interest and pleasure. Their opportunities are so fantastic and working style so speedy. I have enjoyed reading many of the articles and posts contained on the website, keep up the good work and hope to read some more interesting content in the future. Thank you for this valuable information. 


Message 2 of 10