
2.5 WEEKS -- Still Crickets

After 2.5 weeks of waiting and trying to 'deal with' the way things are (at least for now), we are STILL no closer to viable answers.

  1.  Product descriptions not showing in PayPal  And...they still aren't.  Not only are the descriptions MIA (missing in action), but apparently a number of people are also having issues with the quantity of items that shows up.   This causes mistrust between vendors and their customers.  This could prove detrimental for vendors, as it could also impact their ratings and reviews, which will most likely impact not only repeat sales, but also possible future customers.  I don't need to tell you that word of mouth and networking are very important. Regardless of what store owners do, this does not look good and it reflects on US, NOT Weebly.

  2. Custom email content gone!  Too bad -- suck it up buttercup, because now you get to do it all over again.  Weebly does not archive sites.  My suggestion to you is to make backup copies of your site in case you should ever need them.  This won't solve everything, but it will help.

  3. Still not able to set item weight at zero   This was supposed to be part of the new & improved functions of eCommerce, but it does not work with real-time shipping.  (Honestly, I'm not even sure if it will work with flat rate shipping.)  Here is the link to the idea in the 'Vote on Features' section, where it was stated that this was completed.  When I contacted support, the suggestion was to create a coupon code for free shipping for those items.  REALLY?  So basically, this hasn't changed and I still have to contact my customers or put the actual coupon code right in the listing description.  Nicely done, Weebly.  (*Note sarcastic tone*)

  4. Too many more to list...

I think what I find most amazing about all of this is that most of the helpful answers I have found have been from other community members and not from Weebly themselves!  Kudos Community members!  Smiley Very Happy

Instead of improving things, Weebly has cost numerous clients tons of time, energy, and even money trying to 'fix' Weebly's mistakes and find work-arounds that work in the meantime.    2.5 weeks and still no viable answers...  we are waiting.

Message 1 of 6

Hi Heirloom_Angel,

I do understand your frustrations completely. I'm sure it has been a bit exhausting with all the changes and the bugs you've been running into. I assure you though, our developers are working hard to get all of these problems straightened out. Having bugs are expected with a new release, we try to minimize these as much as possible, however unfortunately some do show up.

In regards to the PayPal description issue. There is an issue on PayPal's end that's causing issues, we currently aren't sending that info until we can get the problem resolved. Our developers are working with PayPal to get this issue fixed, however I do not have an ETA on the results will be completed.

With your custom email situation, are you referring to using Weebly Promote? Or are you talking about an email on your website? Can you explain more info on this issue for me please?

I have a test store and I was able to set my goods to 0.0 weight and setup a shipping rule for orders of 0.0 to 0.0 weight shipping = free. It worked for me. What issues are you having with it?
Message 2 of 6

@MTpockets wrote:
Hi Heirloom_Angel,

I do understand your frustrations completely. I'm sure it has been a bit exhausting with all the changes and the bugs you've been running into. I assure you though, our developers are working hard to get all of these problems straightened out. Having bugs are expected with a new release, we try to minimize these as much as possible, however unfortunately some do show up.

In regards to the PayPal description issue. There is an issue on PayPal's end that's causing issues, we currently aren't sending that info until we can get the problem resolved. Our developers are working with PayPal to get this issue fixed, however I do not have an ETA on the results will be completed.

With your custom email situation, are you referring to using Weebly Promote? Or are you talking about an email on your website? Can you explain more info on this issue for me please?

I have a test store and I was able to set my goods to 0.0 weight and setup a shipping rule for orders of 0.0 to 0.0 weight shipping = free. It worked for me. What issues are you having with it?


Thank you for your response.  Firstly, let me say that I do understand having bugs here and there.  

Regarding PayPal:  Week 1 we were told it was a Weebly issue by PayPal and by Weebly.  Somewhere along the way the story changed on Weebly's part and it was suddenly a PayPal issue, which is the explanation we have received since then.  I will say this once again in this thread, as you may have missed it.  I find this difficult to believe.  Why? The issue is non-existent between PayPal and other venues.  According to PayPal, they have not touched or altered their API (I hope that's the proper term) since the spring of this year.  Yet now it is their fault and until they fix it Weebly cannot fix their end.   I don't know about anyone else, but I would love to see some communication between Weebly and PayPal discussing this issue.  Other community members have posted copies of their correspondence with PayPal, which claims it is on Weebly's end, so I think this would only be fair.  I also think it is fair to say that we understand nobody on the planet can seem to give us an ETA on the 'fix', as we can't even manage to get a consistent story as to the root of the problem.

With the email situation, I should have explained it more clearly; my apologies.  I was referring to the order confirmation, the shipping, and the cancellation emails. If these notifications had custom text prior to the release of the update, they no longer do and there is no way to recover it.  Anyone who had their emails customized needs to recreate the wheel.

In regards to the shipping:  I did manage to get this to work after reading your response.  When I had spoken to customer service, I was told there was no way to do this and that I would need to create a coupon for the free shipping. So I can scratch that one.

I sincerely hope that this situation with PayPal gets straightened out soon.  It really is a shame to have the updates and tools when we can't use them properly.  

Message 3 of 6

I'm cross-posting this here from another thread.  Below the block quote you will find not only my response but also another thing to look out for if you have a Business plan.

Re: Weebly not providing product description to Paypal also no address since paypal upgrade
@Adam wrote:

The reason that we're not providing the information is because there's a problem on PayPal's end, and it might cause other issues. PayPal is working with our engineers, and together we'll figure out a solution for it.

This statement leads me to believe that the issue is on Weebly's end.  Why would PayPal need to work with Weebly on something that is a PayPal issue?  That makes no sense to me whatsoever.  Basically, it appears that PayPal knows they are losing money because of this fiasco and they are trying to help dig Weebly out of this hole, which will in turn help Weebly.   

Regardless of WHO is at fault, hundreds of thousands of Weebly store owners are paying Weebly for something they cannot properly use.  (As of May 2016 it was reported that Weebly hosts over 30 million sites.  I realize that only a fraction of them have eCommerce included, which is why I chose to word the statement the way I did.  I am choosing to estimate 1/4 of that using the eCommerce, which is 750,000.)  Now...multiply that by a minimum of $300 (the cost of a Weebly 'Business' package) by 750,000.  That is a whopping $225,000,000!    

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...  I have noticed that my Business plan was 'magically' upgraded to the new 'Performance' plan.  Whencomparing the plans, I see that only the Performance plan includes the real-time shipping calculations.  WHAT?!  Are you freaking kidding me?

The few things that the Performance plan includes that the Business plan does not are: ① real time shipping rates,

② abandoned cart emails, ③ gift cards and ④ email marketing.  Quite frankly, I have my email marketing set up elsewhere so this is of no use to me.  (Even when included, the fact is that I simply don't trust Weebly to be able to handle my email campaigns efficiently at this point.)  So basically, I am going to be expected to pay TWICE what I have been paying for numbers 1, 2 & 3?!  Hahahaha!  That's a good one!  WHY on this green earth would I pay twice as much for something that doesn't work properly????

I sincerely hope that those who run e-commerce sites via this platform look at their plans and see what is included before they get used to something that they will need to pay twice as much for!  

This is asinine.  Plain and simple.  And the fact that people end up stumbling across this crap on their own speaks VOLUMES!  Typically, a company would email its clients and let them know exactly what has/is changing, especially when they are paying for a service.  Nope, not Weebly!  They send email after email directing you to read blogs rather than just tell you what on earth is going on.  (And half the time the blogs don't include this pertinent information either.)

PS:  In case you couldn't tell, my patience is now gone.  This is just flat-out pathetic.

Message 4 of 6

I hear you, and you wont get much help from "customer service" or "tech sup" either.

We've had issues out the yazoo for a while now.

It's getting real old!

Message 5 of 6

You aren't kidding, JProd!  All I want is for the service I am paying for to work, and I really don't think that is too much to ask for.

Message 6 of 6