
weebly store orders export problem

the order export creates two lines for each order

one with the product SKU

and one with the Customer info ( name, contact info etc)

So I cannot sort by Product and Customer to get a single list for each

How can I get a report with customer info AND the product info on ONE line ?

Message 1 of 15

You'd probably need to edit your CSV prior to importing it into your spreadsheets for that, @jimmysierra. Unfortunately, I can't think of a different to do it without making engineering changes on our end.

Message 2 of 15

Hey Adam

What I need is   to draw a report without having to edit it

I do not understand the utility of you generating a file that does not have the customer information 

and the item purchased on the same line

Who asked for that format ?

How hard could it be for you to simply reformat your primary report?

Message 3 of 15

I'm sorry for the frustration. I think it would be a useful feature to add to the report. Do you mind submitting a feature request so members of the community can have the opportunity to vote on it? Thanks so much! Smiley Happy


Message 4 of 15

Here's how I do this (but would be preferred if each record were on a single line, vs 2 lines)

- export the file

- select from cell row 3, column AF to the right and to the bottom of the data

- cut/ paste up one row (row 2)

- sort by "Product Name"

- delete all rows with no entry in the "Product Name" field

At that point I have a useful spreadsheet that can be sorted, subtotaled, etc. -- just takes what seems like unnecessary gyrations to get to that point (I'm assuming that the 2-line format accommodates QuickBooks, but I don't import into QB, so not 100% certain about that).

Message 5 of 15

Thanks so very much for taking the time to share your solution

I will use that until we are able to persuade weebly to reformat their report to a useful format

( I really think this was just an unfinshed job, certainly weebly has the resources to apply a fix )

Message 6 of 15

Totally agree. Weebly need to listen to valuable (and free) feedback. We are explaining as paying Customers, how you can make a good product even better. Simply, the export is not useful with two rows per order. One row per Order No. so that we can use Excel to filter and manipulate the data correctly. Its not rocket science...

Message 7 of 15

Yes and the  fact that there has been no action on it shows that weebly unfortunatley cares more about getting new customers than keeping existing customers happy. I have experineced much the same attitued from Square so I do not expect this lack of responsiveness to improve any in the future as these guys are now one company

Message 8 of 15

Thank you for your feedback everyone. I promise you it's not because we don't care. Currently we have 600+ feature requests on community alone. That doesn't count all of the requests that customer support agents submit on behalf of the customers they speak with through the call center. Or the requests we receive on Facebook, Twitter, etc. We have a lot of unique individuals with unique websites and unique requests. Everything gets logged, and sorted, and we provide the feedback to the product managers and developers. It may seem like nothing is happening on our end, but I can assure you that is not the case. Smiley Happy

As always, the best way to help us help you get the changes you are looking for is to add kudos and comments to feature requests. And to submit new requests if you do not see the one you are looking for. 

Message 9 of 15

Hello Bernadette 

thanks for your reply

If you look at the details of this request you will see that this is not a new feature request 

it is rather a bug , this export format was never finished 

Have you  looked at what we are talking about ? Your  response assumes this is a feature request

his is not a feature request this a request to fix a simple bug

I am sure a junior programmer could re format the report in less time than it took me to write this response.

Message 10 of 15

My apologies @jimmysierra. I thought it was a feature request because your profile shows a feature request submitted about this. Also, based on the answer from Adam to the original question. : /

I don't see any open bugs regarding this specifically, but I can double check with the team and try to get some more details for you. Smiley Happy

Message 11 of 15

If you speak with the team I would greatly appreciate your asking them to define the functionaliy of the export relative 

to putting the information on two lines 

The reasonalbe expectation of an export would be to be able to manipulate and organize customer and purchase information into one line for sorting by the  column headings and keeping the customer info with the product info

Your format has seperated the two and reqiures manually manipulating the lists to join them

I call this a bug as this format precludes getting a usefull report. My view is that the export formatting was not 

completed. If I am wrong please have them explain how any users are able to use the disjointed report 

Here is how the report looks upon export

Order #DateStatusCurrencySubtotalShipping PriceTax TotalTotalRefunded AmountTax RateProduct TaxesShipping TaxesTax Included In PriceTax ShippingShipping First NameShipping Last NameShipping EmailShipping AddressShipping Address 2Shipping Postal CodeShipping CityShipping RegionShipping CountryShipping PhoneBilling NameBilling AddressBilling Address 2Billing Postal CodeBilling CityBilling RegionBilling CountryProduct IdProduct SKUProduct NameProduct OptionsProduct QuantityProduct PriceProduct Sale PriceProduct Total PriceProduct TaxableOrder NotesCoupon
1165293949/3/17paidUSD40004000.00%00NNMichaelFitzGeraldfitzms@gmail.com471 Western Dr.94801RichmondCAUS5109283529Michael FitzGerald471 Western Dr.94801RichmondCAUS           
1165293949/3/17                             203FBF-Coffee-9-24-17Home Coffee Roasting 9-24-17140 40N  

One line for the customer information (name address email etc)

and a separte line or the item purchase information (SKU , Quantity, price etc)

Message 12 of 15

Can you add kudos to this post in our Vote on Features section, @jimmysierra?


That's the best way to let our product team know you'd like to see this changed. Thanks!

Message 13 of 15

I know there are many feature requests.  To start with, Weebly should fix the ones it has promised to fix for about two years.  In the interim you should recommend your friends not to use Weebly.

Message 15 of 15

Thanks SO much for posting this!
Message 16 of 15