
How do I expand the time frame (greater than 1 year) for definition of "reachable customer"?

We are a no-profit organization that organizations a major fundraiser once a year.  We use Square for checkout at the event.  How can we expand the definition of "reachable customer" to be all customers instead of being limited to visits 1 per 12 months?  With the current definition, our marketing campaign will only reach those who attended the past fundraiser and not those that attended previous ones.

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Hi @CHGBooks, welcome to the Seller Community and thanks for taking the time to bring this up.


I had the chance to look through your post and I can see how having the 12 month time limit would impact your ability to reach customers, especially if your event is only once a year.


One way to ensure that you can continue to send campaigns to the All Customers group, is if your customers agree to enter their email address into your Directory at the time of processing a payment. Once their email is saved in the Directory, their reachability won't expire. More details here: Add Customers and Payments to Your Directory from the Square App.


For complete details on different sets of reachable customers, have a look at our Support Center: Customer Groups at a Glance.


Hope this helps! If you have any other questions or insight that you'd like me to share with our Customer Engagement Team, please let me know.

️ Tom | he/him
Seller Community Manager | Square, Inc.
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