
Product not found


is there a setting on product level so that products in my webshop can actually be found using the search bar? I have a little mystery to solve:

for example, I have two products. 9924 and 88qt

I can find 9924, but 88 or 88qt does not give any response. 

I first thought that it was because 88qt was not yet priced, but that is not the case.

Please shine your light on this matter - a quick reply is highly appreciated.



Message 1 of 39

Have you re-published your site since adding the 88qt product? Site publishes usually update the search index of a site, so if you haven't re-published that would probably fix it. Also, it takes a little while to do that, so if you publish again now give it a little bit of time before testing.

Message 2 of 39

Hi Adam.

I too am having major problems with search on my site looking for products.  When I go to add products to my pages I can only get a max of 10 items, many of them random search.   Live Chat have been good and have reported it as a bug. I am due to go live with my site at the end of next month and need to know that the bug will get fixed shortly. 

This is the site I am working on.


You will probably be able to access most of my recent tickets and chats to see the problem.   Its on all browsers, no cache clearance will help and looks like its been going on for a while.   Really hope its sorted out soon as presently I cannot have a site that is not functioning fully.    The issue of the bug is in relation to searching for products when in the Build mode using Products Tab.  I build normal pages and just insert products in as need. I have so many products to get on the site. 

Kind Regards, Matt

Message 3 of 39

Unfortunately, I don't have an ETA. I do expect that our engineering team will resolve it as quickly as they can, though. Sorry for the trouble, and thanks for your patience!

Message 4 of 39

Is there a workaround the team can work on if the fix is going to take some time.  Cheers

Message 5 of 39

An update to the index used for search should happen when you publish, so you can try publishing and giving it a little while. I'm not sure that it would help, but it won't hurt to try in the meantime.

Message 6 of 39

Hi Adam. 

I published the site two days ago and its not made any difference to indexing.  I have to scroll through hundreds of items in the store to find the items I want to edit as the search box does not work.  I had a website previously that was plagued with problems and I thought I would come to weebly to get away from all that.  And now I have the fundamental part of the site not working, the ability to list products which is the whole point of having a business web shop.  I will have to go live later than planned which means I will be losing money.    Please can you get this resolved as soon as possible.  I appreciate there is problems everywhere but as its been going on for weeks please get the engineers to look at this issue.  I am sure it is affecting a lot of people, some might not know about it yet, others might be too shy to ask.    Is there is a suggested working workaround I would appreciate the engineers looking into that please.  Live chat have said that it is a high priority issue and I really do hope its fixed soon.    Out of the hundreds of items I have, and thousands by the end of the month, searching through massive lists of them is not ideal. The search box is totally not working and I am really distraught to think that I will have to go and build a site again for the 3rd time in months at another host. 

Kind regards


Message 7 of 39

I can appreciate where you're coming from with this, Matt, and how it would impact the ability of customers to find products on your site. I'll update our ticket with our engineers with your feedback.

Message 8 of 39

Thanks Adam.    4642048 is my current ticket.   I appreciate you asking the engineers to look at this specifically and if it is a result of anything in particular that can be rectified soon.  Hoping my site can go live at the end of the month.   Looking forward to the resolution soon.  best wishes Matt

Message 9 of 39

Hi Adam. I have just been on live chat regarding this current issue and I've been told by them that issue I have been experiencing is Not a bug and that the product element is as its supposed to be.  I said that I cannot add more than 10 items from the product element - there is no "view more" at the bottom of the product box, and when I build another product element box by dragging over I am only offered the same 10 items each time.  They are telling me that is how its supposed to work?   I am getting really infuriated with this now.  I currently have other 800+ items in my inventory and yet I can only add 10 of each kind into the page.  I want to be able to insert items manually. I don't want to be making separate category pages all the time.  Its messy and its double work for the customer searching through.     Please, I am getting close to leaving weebly, I am really unhappy.  Live chat says the engineers have come back and said there is no bug.  I've been told countless times there is an issue and its being looked at.   Please get someone in tech that knows what they are looking at because this is getting really silly.        How many items can be added from the product tab?   Surely if you are given a search box at the top, you can then choose from stock as many as needed?  I wouldn't be adding more than 72 to each product box anyway, but to be offered the same 10 is weird.      the VIEW MORE only comes up when you put in the most random word or single letter.   I am paying for Business level service.   I am so so unhappy with this.  I have a half built website and Its going to stay like that and I will leave for another host.  

I am trying to be courteous and understanding but I keep getting told different things all the time. 

Please, I am really asking for help with this.  

Regards Matt


Message 10 of 39

Sorry for the confusion, Matt. This is definitely not working as intended from what I can tell; it looks like the view more button is there but remains hidden. When I was testing I unhid it via developer tools and it functioned like you'd expect.

I've opened a ticket with our engineering team so they can investigate. Sorry for the trouble, and thanks for your patience!

Message 11 of 39

Hi Adam.  

Thanks for the quick reply.  I am pleased that you are on the ball and you know exactly what I am talking about.    Am I right in thinking that the product element should allow you to add lots of items when it works as intended. I mean, like is there a limit to how many items that element box will allow?    Can you find out for me if that is the case that you can add say 10 and then another 10 and then another etc etc by scrolling down and allowing the View more link to come up - when its working normally of course.    As I will have over 3000 items in my finished store I would imagine that I should be able to search and find all what I need that is revelant to page or section which would make life easier

Thankyou for looking into this.   I have come so far with my team at building a new site, and its going to be the best there is once its done, and I want it to be with weebly. 

But as you say the "view more" is definitely hidden from view.    Hopefully me reporting all this info to you will give you and the engineers more scope as to what is going on.    Thankyou for your support.  If I had not spoken to you about this a few weeks back I would have left by now.   

Thanks, hope you can get someone to investigate this issue for me and others.     best wishes Matt

Message 12 of 39

No problem @ammonitegems - we want our features to work as well as you do! The element should allow you to add as many as you want. It automatically paginates when you add enough items. If you added 50 for example, the element will show the first X number of them and then have links automatically added to the bottom of the element for customers to see next group (this is all within the same page rather than separate pages). You could in theory add all 3000 products to a single element, although I think it would be a lot easier for customers to find what they want if you organize those into categories, and limit how many products you use with a given Products element to a smaller number.

Message 13 of 39

Thanks Adam.

Well lets hope that the auto pagination of the product box is fixed and I can see the View more button.     What I have done is build pages and have sections on them with each category of my own. I have not built categories, I have just sectioned off the pages with text, images and information for each of my products - for example dinosaur eggshell on one page and megalodon shark teeth on another so I will probably have about 50 products on each page. So not too many to scroll down for customers.    

I think the problem is as you said, the view more button being hidden.  If you could find that problem with developer tools, I hope the engineers can!    

I will most likely add 25-50 items on each section so once this product element is working 100% I can launch the site soon to social media.  I have a big reputation in my profession and my previous website was voted well so I really hope this new weebly one can top it.   I really hope you can assist me to get things top rate.

The way the product element works in theory is a really fast way of populating a page. I like it much better than category pages, and I can build a page with a mix of different media then.

Keep badgering tech for me so I can get going with this. 



Message 14 of 39

Hi Adam.

I have managed to do a workaround for this problem.  The way I can get all my items I need on each page is to create a Category page (unseen on the live site) and add all the items from the store into each of these pages.  Then when I go to the page I am working on and use the product element, I can select the top search result which is the Category - and all my stock is in that folder, rather than separate.  This means that whilst the auto scrolling is not working, atleast I can populate my site, and anyone else for that matter having the same trouble.   It by-passes the auto pagination by allowing you to choose the entire category rather than ticking each item, something which you currently cannot reach all of them.   

Although its double work making category pages, atleast the search box of the product element discovers all the items that I wish to use.  Beforehand it was very hit and miss and random.

I have not tried to see if this will impact the seach box on the live site, but that can be for another day Smiley Happy 

Hope this information is helpful.  If there is anymore problems I'll let you know, but it does mean that I can atleast work on to my proposed go live date.

Best wishes and thankyou for your continued support.   

Message 15 of 39

Hey there! Good to hear you've found a way to get things rolling for the moment. Our team will still be at work clearing things up here for you, as well.

Message 16 of 39

Thanks Guys, Cheers!

Message 17 of 39

No problem! Hopefully the issue with the Products element will be resolved soon.

Message 18 of 39

Hi Adam.   Having a few issues again tonight when trying to use product element in site builder.  I try to add a category of all the products in that section but the box (with the washed out clothing models sunglasses etc) just hangs there.  If I put in items one by one then it works but then it won't find all the products.  Its only just started at around 10pm UK time tonight. I have been working fine up to this point.   The very last two sections I worked on tonight (Sea Snake and Pliosaur bones - at the bottom of my categories list) are not adding into the product element box.  

If necessary, could you reindex my site.    Hope you can help.  You will see the number of people that have visited my site in the last 7 days that its really important for me to be able to keep working and getting as much stock on as possible. 

Hope you can help me again.  Best wishes Matt

Message 19 of 39

Hello Matt! It looks like the indexing is currently in progress, though it may take some time. Definitely let support know if the issue persists! It's certainly something we'd like to keep an eye on.

Message 20 of 39

Thanks, I checked it again this morning and now I cannot enter any products onto the site.  Am I still able to put things on the site whilst a reindex is going on?    Definitely needs a look from engineers.   Cheers

Message 21 of 39